Evie says, "MY mommy" or "MY daddy," often with hugs or pats. Some of our father's day fun can be seen here [link]
Happy birthday to Plei and beathen and Happy Father's day to Hec and Gud and Hayden and Jim - am I forgetting someone? It seems like our Buffista men tend to be bachelors...
I was very funny today. Something to do with the pink shirt and the puppydog eyes, and the bloody nose and the swelling cheekbone and the "No! You have to let me go back in!" seems to amuse.
Despite the inchoate black eye, I feel
much better about the sucky test a few weeks back. It still was a sucky test, but the suckiest parts (and the medication) feel very behind me. I fought well today, and I put the fear of me into most of the class. And then I got sat down because I hadn't been using enough of the fear of
to keep me from catching a right hook and a sharp elbow.
It's not like they
Some instructors are such party poopers.
Despite the inchoate black eye
First "irascible," now "inchoate." You win at vocabulary.
Irascible is a commonly used word around here. Tell me you're surprised.
Inchoate on the other hand... nice vocab.
Still going to kill ita.
You better have a nuclear-armed tank. Nothing else will do the trick.
I got my dad that disappearing civil liberties cup and my brother is apparently going in with me on the Feynman's Letters book. Which he may or may not know (and I'm not asking him for $, he's poor! And moving.)
My brother bought a fridge for free (basically) from a house up the street that has been sold. To a couple from our hometown who are probably a year or so older than my brother. The wife purchasing the house is a virologist whose lab was moved up to UAB and depending, my brother might find himself working in her lab.
I swear, I sometimes think LC is some sort of cosmic "everybody is really from here." For a state of less than 2 million, I sure run into a lot of lost locals....
I still haven't gotten mom a gift...whoops. She'll get a surprise in august, I guess. Once I find it.
Am cooking chicken. It's very garlicky and appley. Smells great but that isn't helping my slight headache.
I've made dinner. But in the process of writing dad a card I forgot about the chicken cutlets under the broiler and I think they are horribly over done. I do have something else I can throw under the broiler if it's unedible.
I'm pretty sure I screwed up the carrot side dish (it's very easy but I didn't have a timer on).
For dessert I'm not doing Teppy's pie. I decided I should use the peaches and blackberries I have. So I mixed them with sugar and I'm hoping they'll get juicy. I bought angel food cake instead of the little cakes for shortcake.
I'm finishing up Dad's card and then I have to "wrap" his presents.,
I was stupid around Mothers Day and I want to make it up for Mom. She's going to be in Oklahoma for two weeks and I thought I'd make her a "welcome home" package for her.
Okay annoying pet peeve: members of my family send me an email, then call to see if I got it and tell me to call them back when I do. Why not freaking call me in the first place?
Also one of my cats chased a strange cat onto the balcony of the crazy neighbors. I am down below trying to get my cat to come down. Crazy!Dad comes out an throws a piece of Tupperware hard near the cats and starts to chase them off the deck. Then he sees me. I say "I hope you weren't throwing that
the cats."
He says, "That was just for sound effects."
I cannot wait to afford to buy a house and stop sharing a yard with crazy people.