The thing about re-education camps like that is that they have pages and pages of arbitrary rules to ensure that somewhere along the line the prisoners will violate something or other so that the punishments (which are the real point) can be applied. Knowing that they're set up this way may help you endure, because you can "accidentally" violate something minor early, fake breaking down and being "converted" and cruise through the rest of the week. Knowing the process will help you game their system.
These camps all use classic Mind Control techniques (distinct from Brain Washing). They operate on the exact same dynamics of breakdown and rebuild as cults do. Isolation, punishments, scapegoating, forced identification with the group. All that stuff.
Humans suck. In the name of love.
Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
So, go ahead and be gay, but for heaven's sake don't be snotty.
Actually I think I would pay cash for the opportunity to witness some Gomorrah-style righteous wrath being perpetrated on the snotty of the earth.
To tie both of Natter's current topics together, this would be an example of Schadenfreude.
Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die
when all the bird are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
With the flowers ev'rywhere.
I whish that we could both be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the stars we could reach
were just starfishs on the beach
Why do they call it the "frog bra"?
"So you can jump without bouncing"
Just so long as it happens on one of my good days, okay? Because I think I'm snotty from time to time.
Sodom's sin was actually inhospitality, not buttsex. For real.
Dana, have you ever clapped when a waitress drops a tray of glasses?
Don't you feel all warm and cozy watching people out in the rain?
Being on an elevator when somebody shouts, "Hold the door!"
Sodom's sin was actually inhospitality, not buttsex. For real.
I think it's a little late to change the usage, though.
"Can you believe they asked me to find a hotel room instead of staying with them? How sodomous!" "I know. My in-laws are sodomites too."
it only leads to Crocodile Rock.
But that song makes me happy!
You're name isn't Sue and you weren't violently shy as a child who had conniptions whenever someone teased you with a song with your name in it.
Also on that list:
Runaround Sue
Wake up Little Susie
Boy named Sue
Susie-Q by CCR
psst. Sue is a dinosaur at the Chicago Field Museum....