Sodom's sin was actually inhospitality, not buttsex. For real.
I think it's a little late to change the usage, though.
"Can you believe they asked me to find a hotel room instead of staying with them? How sodomous!" "I know. My in-laws are sodomites too."
it only leads to Crocodile Rock.
But that song makes me happy!
You're name isn't Sue and you weren't violently shy as a child who had conniptions whenever someone teased you with a song with your name in it.
Also on that list:
Runaround Sue
Wake up Little Susie
Boy named Sue
Susie-Q by CCR
psst. Sue is a dinosaur at the Chicago Field Museum....
Oh yeah? Well, “EMILY is every woman who has ever sat at a business meeting while someone else took credit for her good work."
Hey, I contain multitudes.
I think I just pimped The Decemberists to a coworker without even trying. But then again, it's hard to resist The Mariner's Revenge Song.
My parents are off.
My bathroom sink will not drain.
These are not related.
The latter is fucking annoying since I reported it yesterday. I broke and poured drain opener down it. Not helping. Maintenance will yell, but it is their own fucking fault. If they came yesterday....
Also? Looks like a watermain burst in the lot. Still have water, though. So I'm doing laundry.
I kinda already miss my parents. Even as I wanted to strangle dad for appearing in the kitchen as I was feeding the cats and he was getting in the way every which way. He's kinda like a cat that way. ALWAYS underfoot. He's got a sixth sense.
Also? Him in a giant pajama tshirt with leaping cats dressed in pj pants and tops on it is HILARIOUS. Cracked up over it every night.
Jewish Hivemind question: Rosh Hashanah seems to be Oct. 4 -- is it just the one day? Is that sundown Oct 3 to sundown Oct 4, or 4 to 5, or what?
When will you get to see your parents again, sarameg?
Jewish Hivemind question: Rosh Hashanah seems to be Oct. 4 -- is it just the one day? Is that sundown Oct 3 to sundown Oct 4, or 4 to 5, or what?
Rosh Hashanah is two days for Orthodox and Conservative Jews in the US, and one day for Reform Jews. It starts sundown October 3, and goes to sundown either October 4 or 5.
sarameg, I have a tape of last week's Inside if you still want it.
Sorry for your plumbing woes.