I've seen too many statistics on the suicide rate among gay teens to sign on to that.
That's what is so disturbing to me about parents committing their children to this sort of program, against the child's will. If an adult (or teen) wants to enter it willingly? Whatever. But personal and/or religious morals aside, my number one priority as a parent is making sure my kids stay alive. Anyone who's picked up a newspaper in the last 20 years, has to know the suicide rate for gay teens. Gay or straight, I do not want my children having sex while they're minors. When they're adults, their sex lives will be their private, adult decisions, and I would only involve myself (I hope) to the extent they invited my involvement (like asking for guidance, that is).
I have no problem with parents setting rules, and expecting their minor children to follow the rules, and expecting their adult children who choose to live with the parents to follow the rules while under the parents' roof (i.e. my mother wouldn't have let me have boyfriend sleep with me under her roof, and more power to her). I have no problem with parents teaching their moral framework to their children, religious or not, I think it is part and parcel of the job.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another, Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
There we go Romans 1:26-27. I think that's the big one.
Men committed indecent acts with other men
Which begs the question--what about decent acts with other men?
Yeah, but those aren't Christ's words -- those are Paul's. And Paul isn't quoting Christ, either. That's all him.
Oh, for some reason I thought all the biblical prohibitions against homosexuality were OT.
Yeah, but those aren't Christ's words -- those are Paul's. And Paul isn't quoting Christ, either. That's all him.
IIRC Christ had very little to say about sex....
Yeah, but those aren't Christ's words -- those are Paul's.
Nonetheless, Romans seems to be where everyone goes when talking about how the bible condemns homosexuality.
Jesus was very wise and cool. Paul has some major league issues.
Paul also has interesting thoughts on women in church. feh. not having this discussion.
Steph, gotcha - didn't mean that to sound or feel like an attack., I hear what you were saying. I know we are throwing our hands up at the same people.
hmm, Kat, perhaps you are right, I should just say that we netted X amount.
I feel really odd pointing out scripture since I'm an atheist. I've just had a fair amount of exposure.