eta: Speaking of things that are on tv tonight, EW tells me that Murder in the Hamptons is on Lifetime. Is that AmyLiz's book or am I smoking crack?
[link] it seems that the movie has different character names than Amy's book. The lifetime site
[link] claims their story is based on real events, so I'd say no. Hopefully, it will cause much confusion that will increase Amy's sales. :)
Thanks for clearing that up, Cindy. Too many stories, not enough titles.
-t, insent! (to your profile addy)
His surgeon is wondering if there's some odd reaction going on to the metal. I don't know if Hubby will get to keep it or not. He likes trophies.
I bought Emmett a new book titled
D Is For Dahl
which is sort of an alphabetical biography of Roald Dahl. It includes the information that Dahl's first metal hip replacement joint had to be replaced. He kept it, and had door knobs made that looked exactly like it.
The more I learn about Dahl, the more I like him. He actually had a gypsy caravan on his property, exactly like the one in
Danny, The Champion Of The World.
I've turned off the overhead lights in my office with just the bolster light on, and I'm listening to 30s era Billie Holiday. It is my fond hope that nobody talks to me all day.
It is my fond hope that nobody talks to me all day.
Excuse me sir; you're singing my song. You should pay me royalties on the hermitude.
If you get the Ovation network on cable, they've been broadcasting a documentary on Dahl.
Got it and backflung, Nora.
If you get the Ovation network on cable, they've been broadcasting a documentary on Dahl.
I think I might. We don't get Trio much to my annoyance.
Joining Noira's Club of 500 Channels But Not The One I Want
Timelies all.
Hopefully, it will cause much confusion that will increase Amy's sales. :)
And Cindy gets it in one! Even Jake saw something about it, and said, "Mom! Did you know they made a movie of your book?!" Sadly, no. But a girl can dream -- that as Cindy said, confusion will spike book sales. Hee.
Heh, -t, well, it appears to be running every night.
I would love to see the first few seasons of TAR. We don't get that channel either. We do get Hallmark, though!
t /sarcasm
I discovered this morning that I do get the Gameshow network, so now all of the old TARs shall be mine.
Mine, I tell you, Mine!
It's possible I've had too much coffee this morning, isn't it?