My vote's for 3, 5 or 6. The others look like they might involve not just the cut but a fair amount of product (especially because your hair is pretty lush and thick).
(I love my present haircut, but it does take some work to get it to look precisely right, and I'm finding myself just pinning the crap out of it more days than not.)
I concur with #3, #5, and #7 (right), Perkins. Under no circumstances get #2.
Erin, if you were a FUCKING WHORE you'd have a lot more cash.
Not as much as a First Class Whore, of course...
Damn! You’re right! I should get right on that.
Erin, if nothing else, now you have an email address to use whenever some page requires an email they can spam
Brenda, you are EEEVVILLLL. Me likey.
OH, I so want to see MarchOTPenguins! It looks so frickin’ cute.
I was scanning around, and I think, once school starts, I am going to take a bellydanicng class, one of the tribal BD classes. I already have the jingly belt and the swivel hips; and it defines the waist so well!
Under no circumstances get #2.
t /defensive about presently having #2
But, yeah. Not for the naturally big-haired or for those who aren't willing to commit a chunk of time every morning to fussing with product.
I really like #5- it is a little softer than the others - yet still precise.
and you have email Ms. Perkins
P.S. awwww.....I love real schmoop
BTW, it is very rude of me to put my clothes on the bed 2 seconds before the cat decides to hop on the bed for a nap.
Not for the naturally big-haired
This, plus with Perkins' face shape. Not knocking the cut itself!
PS - kickin' boots!
BTW, it is very rude of me to put my clothes on the bed 2 seconds before the cat decides to hop on the bed for a nap.
I don't see why. Just makes it that much more cushy.
Thanks guys!
Beth, you should have email back too.