Erin, if you were a FUCKING WHORE you'd have a lot more cash.
Not as much as a First Class Whore, of course...
Damn! You’re right! I should get right on that.
Erin, if nothing else, now you have an email address to use whenever some page requires an email they can spam
Brenda, you are EEEVVILLLL. Me likey.
OH, I so want to see MarchOTPenguins! It looks so frickin’ cute.
I was scanning around, and I think, once school starts, I am going to take a bellydanicng class, one of the tribal BD classes. I already have the jingly belt and the swivel hips; and it defines the waist so well!
Under no circumstances get #2.
t /defensive about presently having #2
But, yeah. Not for the naturally big-haired or for those who aren't willing to commit a chunk of time every morning to fussing with product.
I really like #5- it is a little softer than the others - yet still precise.
and you have email Ms. Perkins
P.S. awwww.....I love real schmoop
BTW, it is very rude of me to put my clothes on the bed 2 seconds before the cat decides to hop on the bed for a nap.
Not for the naturally big-haired
This, plus with Perkins' face shape. Not knocking the cut itself!
PS - kickin' boots!
BTW, it is very rude of me to put my clothes on the bed 2 seconds before the cat decides to hop on the bed for a nap.
I don't see why. Just makes it that much more cushy.
Thanks guys!
Beth, you should have email back too.
I love the boots that were linked to, and must recommend a pair of that sort--I have some that are very similar, and I wear them all the time! As ita suggested--short skirt, fishnets, tall lace-up boots? HOT.
Reading about the responses to Erin's craxxy slutgear correspondent and Cash's "the ragheads! the ragheads are coming!" woman, I'm reminded of an article I just read in...WSJ? USA Today? One of the free papers I've been handed by hotels or car rental places in the past couple days, about online shunning and overload--apparently there's some woman in Korea who was captured letting her dog take a shit on a subway train, by many people's cellphone cameras, and she was so shunned and outed online that she quit school!
And now I'm done with lunch (I'm at Panera) and working, and I get to call up juliana and see her in like, an hour and a half! Whoot!
meara! No, I never got any email from you about a Nightmare Before Christmas thing that I can remember.