Well, even "farewell" is a shortened version of be safe or take care, so it isn't a NEW phenomenon. I guess the impulse when someone leaves is to wish them well in some way.
I think all of those sayings are a way of saying, "I like you and hope to see you again." In a friendly way.
It's just social custom.
On the way to work today there were a lot of fireman in their uniforms along the road doing a fund drive.
That was nice.
Robin, ick. I now recall you saying something like that before. Are you even in
perimenopause, or do you have unknown years and years of this ahead of you? (I don't think my mother hit menopause until her mid-50s, and I have sympathy aches at the thought of you in major monthly pain for the next 5-7 years.)
connie, much housing~ and surgery~ma to you and the DH. What a bummer.
After looking at the boots, I have decided I am accessory impaired because I can not imagine wearing those with anything. Perhaps I could get an accessorizing implant that would help with that problem. Anyone got some spare accessorization they can loan me, permanently?
"See ya" is my favorite. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I suspect that anyone saying anything else is planning on never seeing me again.
To be fair, "Have a nice day" doesn't bother me unless I'm in a particularly bad mood, but anything that's an order really bugs.
Not yet in
Perimenopause. We start and end late in my family--although the doc thinks it will slowly get better as hormone production starts to wind down. Let's hope so!
I have decided I am accessory impaired because I can not imagine wearing those with anything.
Those boots would go with your tiara, I think. Alas, the boots do not come in my size, and even if they did, they would be too tall. Clicking on the link, however, did make me explore what else Zappos has to offer this week in my size for the last 10 minutes.
Robin, I hope that ibuprofen does its job.
The rest of you, Be good.
You be careful out there.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!