connie, much housing~ and surgery~ma to you and the DH. What a bummer.
After looking at the boots, I have decided I am accessory impaired because I can not imagine wearing those with anything. Perhaps I could get an accessorizing implant that would help with that problem. Anyone got some spare accessorization they can loan me, permanently?
"See ya" is my favorite. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I suspect that anyone saying anything else is planning on never seeing me again.
To be fair, "Have a nice day" doesn't bother me unless I'm in a particularly bad mood, but anything that's an order really bugs.
Not yet in
Perimenopause. We start and end late in my family--although the doc thinks it will slowly get better as hormone production starts to wind down. Let's hope so!
I have decided I am accessory impaired because I can not imagine wearing those with anything.
Those boots would go with your tiara, I think. Alas, the boots do not come in my size, and even if they did, they would be too tall. Clicking on the link, however, did make me explore what else Zappos has to offer this week in my size for the last 10 minutes.
Robin, I hope that ibuprofen does its job.
The rest of you, Be good.
You be careful out there.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Betsy HP's email sig line is Garrison Keillor's farewell: Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. Makes me happy every time I see it.
So. I just got offered a summer job. Not the one I applied for, but a different one at the same program. Less pay, more hours, better location. I'm considering it.
Also, I seem to have just joined a kickball league. I don't get this -- I was totally immune to peer pressure as a kid, couldn't figure out why anybody would do something just because everyone else was, and now I'm all, "My friends are playing kickball! I should too!" And, it looks like fun and I've been saying I need to do more non-math stuff.
Kickball sounds like a lot of fun, Hil.
Is the less pay less hourly pay or less salary pay?