When I moved in with the BF (let's see, 8 years ago now) we first got rid of/moved his stuff to make room (a bureau, a closet, bookshelves, cookware) for my stuff, THEN I unpacked. Once I had clear empty places to move my stuff into, it was a snap. Trying to distribute stuff around an already settled house is not so easy.
Oh, NOW you tell me....
ETA: I'd rather go shoe shopping than do any more unpacking. That's saying a lot, as I wear size 11-12 shoes, and was traumatized by at an early age by the onerous burdon of finding shoes that fit.
Gah. Home from work. Stress, stress, stress. Will someone come cook me dinner?
Did you make it all the way through, vw? Not that your answer should affect having dinner made ...
I did! I worked from 1:30pm (which was early...I didn't have to be in till 2pm) till 6pm. Go me!
But, I really, really dislike my new boss. And, we thought one of our girls ran today, which was kind of stressful and not fun. The staff told me I'll get used to things like that happening, but it was the first one I had to deal with, and it was packed full of the not fun kind of stress.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
Pushing your buttons, is she?
::pets Cindy's head, offers her petit fours::
::no, really, they fix everything::
My busty nursing-mother friend had no suggestions for Plei; she sadly confirmed that the pickings for formal dresses fit to nurse in are slim, and what little is there is mostly lousy. I'm horribly sorry.
I did find this at Nordstrom: not a nursing dress per se, but longish black cotton (and, if too long, looks like a nice plain style that'd be easy to hem up), semi-dressy looking, and buttons down the front: [link]