::pets Cindy's head, offers her petit fours::
::no, really, they fix everything::
My busty nursing-mother friend had no suggestions for Plei; she sadly confirmed that the pickings for formal dresses fit to nurse in are slim, and what little is there is mostly lousy. I'm horribly sorry.
I did find this at Nordstrom: not a nursing dress per se, but longish black cotton (and, if too long, looks like a nice plain style that'd be easy to hem up), semi-dressy looking, and buttons down the front: [link]
My busty nursing-mother friend had no suggestions for Plei; she sadly confirmed that the pickings for formal dresses fit to nurse in are slim, and what little is there is mostly lousy. I'm horribly sorry.
I think I'm going to try finding a Rockabilly dress I can mess with.
Sadly, the dress you linked to wouldn't fit across Luke and Laura.
I think i'm gonna order pizza.
You're welcome to have some, vw.
Or anyone else, but I know vw is looking for dinner.
Good luck with the mantra, Cindy.
Aw, rats, Plei, I'm sorry. It doesn't seem like it should be such an impossibly difficult thing to ask for, and yet... Bah.
Charlotte did say she found a dress recently at Torrid that was the first off-the-rack thing she'd found in years that fit both her bust and waist, but it looks like the only natural-fiber anything Torrid carries is t-shirts; everything dressy is made of something disturbingly unnatural.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
So, Tropical StormTopic!Cindy, you love your family?
Upside: I am home.
Downside: I am supposed to be designing a Web site. I am not.
Downside of the downside: I have to do this before I go in to work tomorrow.
Upside: Bitches!
I skipped. How's everyone?
Why does it always take me so long to associate the rain with the fact that every inch of my body hurts?
Therapy was cut short today because my therapist was sick with a stomach flu. I hope I don't catch it. I have him totally hooked on The Inside, poor thing. He is threatening to check out the board. He really would be a good buffista, but I made him promise not to come in Bitches.
The rest of the day was spent with my mother, who only drove me slightly crazier than I already am.
sj, TG has all my job~ma from this point on.
Thanks, Maria. I appreciate that. He is so stressed right now.
Lily is getting cuter every day! Keep those lovely pictures coming.
Emily, I love your new, red hair!
{{{{{Nora}}}}} I am sorry for your loss.
Second-date~ma for Fay. Although I am amazed that she could be insecure.
Gud, the spaceship is great and the kids are adorable! You are a good dad.
ION, good ticket-searching karma permitted, it seems that I'm likely to be in Somerville this August. Will any localistas be around, or are you all off to the Hamptons or whatever you East Coasters do in the summer?
Woo Hoo!!! I get to meet JZ! I'll will mostlikely be around, unless it is the week my family is in Cape Cod. Let me know when you have definite dates.
{{{vw}}} I'm sorry you had a stressful day.
I love my mother, and she helps me in more ways than I can describe, therefore, I will not look at this evening as a source of frustration, but rather, as a chance to cheerfully reciprocate.
{{{Cindy}}} So sorry. I can so relate.
My dad is the one person in my family who can make me crazy even trying to be kind.
So I get it.
Upside: Cass is pretty!
I know this! I've seen her.
(((sj))) I adore the rain, I'm sorry it has bad effects on you.
Also, our Fay is perfect. I could find 10 people easy who would consider themselves lucky to even meet such a goddess.
JZ...you're coming to New England right after I arrive in California? What is wrong with this picture?
Timelies Bitches.
I have a Bitchly hivemind question. Anyone know how to make skin pigmentation fade? I have some marks from where I had scabs that are taking forever to go away.