Omigod omigod omigod!!! I just got this from the job that I applied for like a jillion years ago. (This was my "tackle the past year in retail head-on in my cover letter" experiment.)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we have filled the Marketing/Editorial Coordinator position, yet because your resume was strong we wanted to hold onto it while we finalized the job description for another position. It looks however as that will be more clerical and thus not appropriate to your skills.
Yes, it is still a rejection letter, but A) I hardly even ever get
and when I do, it's usually the briefest possible form letter, and B) HE THINKS I HAVE ACTUAL SKILLS!!!
I know it's all kinds of pathetic that I get excited over this, but it made my day. An employer thinks I'd be worth something! Granted, not enough to hire me, but it's a start!
I hope this is a positive sign for future jobs for you, Lilty.
{{Lilty}} I totally understand your paradoxical ecstaticness. Much luck for you. Also, you're pretty.
I lurves me some Bitches. Also, a very darling Buffista proofed my cover letter. So, you see, y'all are on the very verge of being lucky. What would I do without you?
Cry and cry and cry, that's what.
The landlord is not renewing our contract. We have to be out by the first of September. I have no idea how we can afford anything as we've been living in the same place for 20 years and have the lowest rent of anyone. I have hopes, which I will not name for fear of jinxes, and if that falls through I've got bupkus.
I like to think I'm coping, but it's more than likely just shock and really good denial.
Oh no, connie! That's horrible! All the hugs and ~ma in the world to you.
Connie! That is just terrible. Here's hoping that the "hopes" work out and if not -- just to make way for something even better.
Connie! I'm so sorry. Much apartment~ma to you.