He looks to me like the bastard lovechild of you and Clark Kent
That's...wow. Huh. OK then! My mind is flashing horrible "sex with TW" places. Dear goodness.
Boo Plei's evil car dealer. Yay Fay's date.
Why was I not gifted with this kind of Denial Ability? It's like a superpower
Because someone in the family has to be there when poor Mal comes home from school with a black eye from beating up the taunters? :)
We keep talking about going there and Cairo, just as soon as it gets affordable to fly anywhere from Athens
Go to Cairo! Meet Fay! It's lots of fun!! (And Fay, Raquel is hot and cool!)
a gauzy dark red trapeze top or a big poet's blouse - that you can get the ENTIRE BABY underneath to nurse in public
Hee. "Dude, she's smuggling a WHOLE BABY under there!"
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
I didn't realize I was thin, last time I was anything close to it, so I don't remember how thin feels. Therefore, I can't compare. And chocolate tastes REALLY good. So...this isn't terribly motivating for me.
One of the confirmed editors for our writers conference, of which I am editor/agent chair, just emailed to cancel on me! At ten minutes to five EDT on the Friday before a holiday weekend.
t headdesk headdesk headdesk
Poor Teppy.
Until you get better, I won't even remind you how much you suck.
Get better soon!
Until you get better, I won't even remind you how much you suck.
The bacteria colony in my pharynx is who suck. Big time.
Plei, like flea, I just gave up on finding dresses while I was nursing last time. Ironically, the only dress that worked was an old baby doll dress with an empire waist and buttons down the front that I had bought back in college. Most of the nursing dresses look awkward to me.
And why do nursing tops cost so damn much anyway? I only own two and I love them both, but they were like $40 or $50 dollars each. But I find I'm not particularly modest about nursing anyway, I try to cover with a blanket if I can, but if I can't? oh well.
Burrell (sorry!) or Plei or Stephanie, I have one that Cashmere was good enough to pass to me and since I'm done nursing for at least a year, would you like me to pass it on to you? I think between the 2 of us, it's only been worn like 4 times. And it's really pretty and summery.
Aimee, I'd love it, but I'm not working so if Burrell or Plei could use it, I'd be happy to pass.
Send me your address and I'll have it to you bu the time Ellie turns 3.