Plei, like flea, I just gave up on finding dresses while I was nursing last time. Ironically, the only dress that worked was an old baby doll dress with an empire waist and buttons down the front that I had bought back in college. Most of the nursing dresses look awkward to me.
And why do nursing tops cost so damn much anyway? I only own two and I love them both, but they were like $40 or $50 dollars each. But I find I'm not particularly modest about nursing anyway, I try to cover with a blanket if I can, but if I can't? oh well.
Burrell (sorry!) or Plei or Stephanie, I have one that Cashmere was good enough to pass to me and since I'm done nursing for at least a year, would you like me to pass it on to you? I think between the 2 of us, it's only been worn like 4 times. And it's really pretty and summery.
Aimee, I'd love it, but I'm not working so if Burrell or Plei could use it, I'd be happy to pass.
Send me your address and I'll have it to you bu the time Ellie turns 3.
I am full full full of drugs. Antibiotic, decongestant, and mucinex to (allegedly) get all the snot out of my head. I bet if you drew my blood and then infused it into someone else, they'd have clear sinuses.
Aw, Tep, btdt.
You should be feeling good again soon.
erika, re: your tagline, did you see my comment in your original entry, the one before you started the list?
Hee. "Dude, she's smuggling a WHOLE BABY under there!"
So... Would smuggling part of a baby be better?
Yes...thanks a lot, Tep. I've been sensitive about my big teeth for years, as stupid a sentence as that is to type, but Mom has them and Dad used to tell Mom she had teeth like a horse, so, hang-up, so I appreciated your thoughts on my smile. They are quite healthy in their largeness anyway...I've hardly had work done(knocks wood)
My dad is the anti-Hec in many ways. He notices the little stuff too, but mostly to put you off-balance. I probably could stand to have it corrected by orthodontic standards, but if I had that kind of money, I bet I'd get prettier, anyway.
Nice to know it looks better to other people anyway.(Note to self: You're not sixteen. Drop that neurosis would you?!)
So Emmett's doing Acrosports as his summer camp (for the first half of the summer anyway). And on Friday afternoon they do a performance to show off all the stuff they learned that week. Emmett was doing aerial this week, which means Aiyeeee! He was hanging from a trapeze by his feet five feet off the ground.
Okay, admittedly he does stuff like that on the jungle gym, but he was doing performancey stuff up there, working with his friend Max. At one point, Max was hanging upside down from the trapeze and Emmett was hanging from Max's hands, doing somersaults through his arms.
Very impressive, circus boy! Now I know how he got the blister on his foot that was bugging him at baseball practice yesterday.