Plei, I've just learned to stop being surprised at the different consistency or color of poop anymore. It's kind of sad.
yay Toddson on healthy boobs!
Aimee, if it's one thing I've learned about baby sleep is that NOTHING LASTS. Even if you go through the training and the crying, something will pop up (like teething or illness) to throw a wrench into the works. We've been doing *okay* for a while, but that's not to say I won't end up being awake with the boy at 3 a.m. with no notice. The hardest thing is letting them cry, but out of desparation, I've done it and it worked.
In the same room, though? I could let her cry it out, no prob, but in the same room, it's so hard.
I fantasize daily about a two bedroom apartment, the way that ita fantasizes about being in an Orlando/Colin sandwich.
Aimee, mohmlet at gmail.
Phew. Naptime.
Now I can in theory finish the pedicure I started about three hours ago!
In the same room, though? I could let her cry it out, no prob, but in the same room, it's so hard.
We've done it once at a hotel, but man, I can't see doing that at home. I have no answers. I suck.
Aimee, can you put her out in the other room when she's being super-cranky, or is there nowhere feasable for that?
You do not suck!
Plei, insent.
And, Debet, we could. It has been suggested to kind of turn the hallway or even dining room into her room until we move. It's having the energy and not being freaked that someone won't reach in and grab her.
Yay for healthy boobs!
Cutie Lily and Deena!kids!
That's all I've got for now.
Oh, I want to marry ibuprofen and have its babies. It's the only thing that works when the Communists are on the march. God bless whatever chemical genius came up with this stuff.
It has been suggested to kind of turn the hallway or even dining room into her room until we move. It's having the energy and not being freaked that someone won't reach in and grab her.
Right. The point is for you (all) to sleep. It's gotta be a challenge to take a semi-firm hardline about sleeping, when you're sharing the room.
Specially when the man is the one taking the hardline. As in, he sleeps through it all.