JSw, you are not only correct in your review of LiT, you're also a little creepy in the fact that you watched it, and I'll tell you why.
When I went to bed last night, I couldn't fall asleep, and I suddenly thought "Maybe if I put LiT -- a movie which features characters who can't sleep -- in my laptop and watch it in bed, I'll be able to fall asleep!" So I did. And then I fell asleep.
That's a good idea, Cindy--I do talk *at* Annabel a fair amount--telling her what we're going to do, reading things to her, etc.--but not a lot of asking her to respond. Sometimes I think DH and I miss a lot of really obvious things just because neither of us has much prior experience with young children.
Ah, so it was hivemind LiTing, I understand. I have the dvd too, natch, but I can't not watch it when it comes on. I totally get trying LiT to beat insomnia. I'll have to try it sometime.
the wife has been using the baby as an excuse to not have to have sex, and the husband's meekly accepted it
A friend of mine here did the exact same thing. They went to couples therapy and when the therapist suggested that having their three year-old share their bed might be getting in the way of their intimacy, my friend stopped seeing that therapist. She just didn't want to hear it. It's really sad because she just pretty much gave up on their relationship and focused on her son exclusively.
Hey All!
Finally caught up after a computer-free weekend. (I fear that the last tumble my laptop took off the arm of the couch may have been its
No meara, but I'll see which highlights I can remember...
Deena, the first tiara literally made me gasp with the gorgeousness.
Susan, to re-iterate what everybody else has said (from my childless vantage point) - sounds like Annabel's quite a communicator. Probably just can't be bothered with chatting yet.
askye, cool specs.
I just love the phrase. WHEN BOOBIES ATTACK!!
ok, so 1 meara
Ah, so it was hivemind LiTing, I understand. I have the dvd too, natch, but I can't not watch it when it comes on.
I'm that way with Bring it On. No, really. And Dude, Where's My Car?.
I totally get trying LiT to beat insomnia. I'll have to try it sometime.
It works! (And if it doesn't, hey -- good movie to be whiling away the hours anyway!)
boobies are a universal good
I'm that way with Bring it On.
I got to visit the set of this one while it was filming!
I know, nothing to do with your point, I just like to bring it up sometimes!
boobies are fun for you and me!