Ah, so it was hivemind LiTing, I understand. I have the dvd too, natch, but I can't not watch it when it comes on.
I'm that way with Bring it On. No, really. And Dude, Where's My Car?.
I totally get trying LiT to beat insomnia. I'll have to try it sometime.
It works! (And if it doesn't, hey -- good movie to be whiling away the hours anyway!)
boobies are a universal good
I'm that way with Bring it On.
I got to visit the set of this one while it was filming!
I know, nothing to do with your point, I just like to bring it up sometimes!
boobies are fun for you and me!
boobies are fun for you and me!
When we hug? BOOBIE SQUISH!!!!!!!!
Not Terribly Effective Use of My Time: Coming home and spending 2 hours IMing with Girl.
But way more fun than cleaning my house.
But hey! She's got a capital G! That's not nothing.
I was just in the car and tragically struck with unexpected Baron von Trapp lust. Then I realized that I didn't have 'The Sound of Music' on dvd, and I had long since discarded both my VHS tapes and VCR. So I pulled a U-ey (How would one actually type that word? I'm sure it's all kinds of wrong, but oh well.) and went to the music store. They didn't have it. So I had to order it.
But for tonight, I am Baron von Trapp-less. And I just find that very sad.