Cashmere, my mother-in-law always says to introduce the cup as soon as they'll take it, but to let them keep the bottle through their second summer, so they get enough to drink. Now, with Julia (November baby), this meant she was well on her way to two, so I sort of forgot to listen about the bottle part. And she caught on very early that Chris was a baby whereas Ben was a big kid, and she really didn't want to be like that baby. With Ben (January), it's just about how it exactly worked out. I'd give him a cup with his meals, in the high chair, and a couple of bottles during the day, to make sure he was drinking enough, especially in the heat. Chris (April baby) fell in love with the cup before he turned one, and didn't want the bottle by the time he was one. Ideally, he would have been the one who most needed the bottle during that second summer.
I have no clue why I'm telling you this. I lost your point. I lost my point. I'm fresh outta points. Carry on.
as the physical pain is easier on me than seeing her startled look of betrayal when the boobie attacks.
You have fearsome boobies.
when the boobie attacks
Can you imagine how popular this show would be on Fox?
Heh. Cindy, I've got cups he likes and will drink (only the damned valves keep coming out when he throws the cup down or bangs it on anything). He especially likes THOSE cups.
We're trying ones with soft, rubber spouts but no valves that I got yesterday.
I've probably got $100 in different brands of sippy cups. *sigh* But he does take them with meals and snacks so I can't complain. He's just so obviously attached to the sucking that I hate to take it away from him. Most of the time he's not even drinking a bottle, he'll just suck on the nipple to keep himself happy. I daresay if I hadn't had a nightmare nursing experience, he'd still be nursing.
her startled look of betrayal when the boobie attacks.
Can't... stop... laughing...
Can you imagine how popular this show would be on Fox?
I should totally pitch it!
Can't... stop... laughing...
Oh, good, it's not just me.
She bit me once and I was so done.
Honey, if anybody gets to feel like a bad mother over breastfeeding, it's me, OK? Kid only got 2 months worth, supplemented by formula from the first week on, and most of that was pumped and put in a bottle.
ION, I sent in my first job application today. It mostly feels good. I think.
Most of the time he's not even drinking a bottle, he'll just suck on the nipple to keep himself happy.
This is why, despite the bad reputation, I love the pacifier. Of course, Lily generally needs to suck for soothing after she's overeaten and her tummy is grumpy and the real deal would make matters worse.
her startled look of betrayal when the boobie attacks.
Can't... stop... laughing...
God, Emily is me. Only, you know, slimmer and less English.