Ow. This move may well kill me after all. I swear, in one swift motion of clumsiness, I think I just broke my toe, wrenched my neck, and gave myself a concussion. All I know is it involved a stray high heel, an open drawer, and the back of a door.
Before it's all over, they'll find me unconcious in a pile of the ugliest clothing you've ever seen. I won't even be awake to tell them it was the Goodwill pile.
I'm nursing my 22 month old, and it's completely normal to me. We don't do it in public much - she's not interested in doing it in public unless she's really bored or really having a fit. From what I hear, it's hardest to wean a kid between about 15 months and 2. Many kids wean themselves by 2.5-3 (hell, some wean themselves at 13 months), and many will wean themselves if you get pregnant with another child. Apparently the milk stops tasting good.
American Academy of Pediatricians recommends beast milk alone until 6 months - we started solids at 4.5 months, but she wasn't really into them until about 6.
Oh, I meant to say, Dooce (www.dooce.com) says she was exclusively breastfed until 22 months (and blames it for her chronic constipation, but she has, um, poop issues). My mother started me on solids at 6 weeks, per her doctor's advice. That just seems so weird to me. A six-week old is still wholly in the floppy-head stage, usually.
Also, note: nursing toddlers kill threads.
I don't even think up to a year is considered extended.
It's not. I'm just not planning ahead beyond that, though I'd like to extended feed until she's ready to self-wean.
t feels like bad mother
She bit me once and I was so done.
She bit me once and I was so done.
Yeah, I'd probably be going "teething = weaning" m'self.
That was before she had any teeth! She still doesn't, but if it hurt that much without.....
Also, note: nursing toddlers kill threads.
I was BF until I was about 19 or 20 months, I think, and was weaned on account of having a brother on the way. I remember being jealous watching him nurse.
feels like bad mother
She bit me once and I was so done.
Sounds like a bad baby to me. Bad baby!