For some reason, the vindictiveness is delighting me.
As is Daniels' approach to WindSparrow. So exciting!
I apparenty scrape my right forearm on my desk while typing and/or mousing. The right sleeve of my jacket has no buttons instead of three buttons. Whoops.
For some reason, the vindictiveness is delighting me.
t Does black-hearted dance of glee just for -t. Also for crappy cow-worker! It looks very similar to the Peanuts gang dance...
Yay for evil cow-orker departure, GC!!!
t Tosses hair back and forth in Peanuts like black-hearted dance of glee
So. Fun.
Happy JZ day!
See if there's a day that Hec and Emmett can be out of the house, and you can have your dad over for some sort of special just-the-two-of-you time.
I'm going to see how long baby girl can go on breast alone, as I fear the change in output smell.
Evilcookie is cracking me up.
and Happy Birthday, JZ!
I fear the change in output smell.
It's not
bad until meat hits the diet.
Happy Birthday JZ.
I am sure your dad is aware of what an incredible daughter he has and will easily forgive you for the late(ish) birthday happies.
I'm going to see how long baby girl can go on breast alone, as I fear the change in output smell.
Well, I've heard you can go up to three years or so. Mind you, people start looking at you funny.
Or I may have seen it in a TV movie.