Don't fret, JZ. You remembered, and that's ok. You don't want to set effigies of your dad on fire and scream random threats at it on his bday, and that sets you ahead of 50% of humanity on the 'rent love.
I am very groggy this morning. I dunno why; I went to bed at 11-something. Maybe it's the weather, which is FUCKING HOT. Maybe it's the fact that I'm into week 3 of working every single damn day for a fucking MONTH. (Except July 4. Yeah.)
But, gronk.
I spent too much money throwing a bacherlorette party for my friend F. Sat night, and it was a smashing success. 3 strippers, 250 jello shots, obscene decorations, loads of sangria and vodka tonics....the bride-to-be was thouroughly debauched by the strippers, as was her two older sisters and niece (!) and the rest of the guests. And she ended up throwing up in the tomato plants at 2 a.m. And I think one of the guests had sex with a stripper in the upstairs bathroom, but I'm not certain.
A Good Time Was Had By All.
JZ, I did read the Tigger article- he did lead quite the life!
ION, what everyone else said- enjoy your birthday and don't beat yourself up. You'll make it up to him and he knows you love him!
Happy Birthday, JZ!!
Sorry about the parental guilt stuff. Perhaps you could have him over to dinner some night this week? Many parents of adults usually have enough "stuff" and the whole time and attention thing inherent in dinner might make him happy.
{{{JZ}}} These things happen every once in a while. Don't beat yourself up too badly for it, k?
I just went into work on my day off (not to work, mind you) to meet the girl they're thinking of hiring to replace my boss. Boy, am I glad I went in and got to put in my two cents. She's awful. Boss and I sat down after I chatted with her for a while. Neither of us are happy with her. Apparently she was all professional and stuff when she interviewed, but we got to see a different side of her today...and professional is not at all how I would describe it.
My poor boss, though. She is now not at all comfortable hiring this person. They have one other decent prospect that they'll call in for a second interview. That person won't be able to come observe the kids until Friday, though, 'cause the kids are all gone on a camping trip till then. And Friday is my boss's last day. Poor thing. I reassured her, though, that I was willing to step in a bit until they find the right person. And, I think it's important enough that they take the time to find the right person. Ack.
I think that's a good call, vw. Better to wait for a good person than have to cope with one who can't do the job.
Better to wait for a good person than have to cope with one who can't do the job.
Yup. Incompetence in one person creates all kinds of miseries for everyone else, especially when that one is a boss-type person. Whatever the added stress of covering until someone good turns up, it's worth it in the long run. Just, be jealous of your own time and energies and make sure that "stepping in" doesn't mean "doing everything."
Also, MWAH. To everyone. Except those with kissy-huggy issues. They get warm kind smiles and the loving and appreciative but non-contactly punctuation of their choice.
Oh, JZ. Bless you.
Look, it can't be undone, and it's not like you actually forgot (which I've done myself, and my GOD, did I feel like the lowest of the low) - you did ring him on the day to say Happy Birthday, and your financial circumstances aren't condusive to doing a big thing right now. He knows that. He may be a bit miffed, but it's fixable still.
Wow. Last day of teaching this academic year. 2 more days at school - this time last year, all the Year 2 teachers were sacked
on the last day.
Very exciting wondering what's going to unfold in the next 48 hours. Added to which, they've apparently started checking the logs on the school PCs and visiting all the websites people have used - possibly even accessing and reading their private emails, as the IT guy who's doing it has gone and gossipped about personal stuff he found out that way.
I may be utterly, utterly fucked here. I don't use the school PCs often, but I have occasionally swung by here to read the threads, or checked my email, or even checked out my hit count at Skyehawke. AND there's the little matter of the unwise posts I made on a couple of international educators' sites wrt my current employer...
Ah, isn't life grand?
(wrt the left hand thing in Malasia - in the Middle East, and I believe the Indian Subcontinent, and likely lots of other places, it's normal to wash one's arse every time one goes to the loo. Initially this seemed icky, but actually - if any other part of your body got shit on it, you'd certainly do more than wipe it off with a bit of tissue. So I do get why Egyptians find the whole just-wiping-with-toilet-paper approach rather disgusting. Often you don't find loo roll at all in loos unless they're specifically catering to foreigners - one blasts one's bum clean with the amusingly named 'shitaffa' ("it gets the shitaffa yer bum", as my friend, married to an Egyptian for 18 years, informed me). In lieu of a shitaffa, I'm guessing application of water by hand is the way forward in the villages still. Thus the whole business of keeping one hand for the purpose of unclean tasks, and another for clean tasks. Makes very good sense.
Most modern Egyptians, contrary to the books I'd read, do use both right and left hands when eating, afaik.
...there's definitely a measure of irony in me forgetting to wish JZ a happy birthday, isn't there?
Hrmmm, I meant to stop by last night to let everyone know Daniel says hi, at that point from Elk City, Ok. Now, not sure where exactly he is, but he may be in New Mexico by now. And he may pick me up from work tonight.