{{{JZ}}} These things happen every once in a while. Don't beat yourself up too badly for it, k?
I just went into work on my day off (not to work, mind you) to meet the girl they're thinking of hiring to replace my boss. Boy, am I glad I went in and got to put in my two cents. She's awful. Boss and I sat down after I chatted with her for a while. Neither of us are happy with her. Apparently she was all professional and stuff when she interviewed, but we got to see a different side of her today...and professional is not at all how I would describe it.
My poor boss, though. She is now not at all comfortable hiring this person. They have one other decent prospect that they'll call in for a second interview. That person won't be able to come observe the kids until Friday, though, 'cause the kids are all gone on a camping trip till then. And Friday is my boss's last day. Poor thing. I reassured her, though, that I was willing to step in a bit until they find the right person. And, I think it's important enough that they take the time to find the right person. Ack.