I'm all excited for you and Andi , Daniel.
I saw a drive by post form cybervixen!
I saw
Howl's Moving Castle
last night. what a magical movie. I read it as an adult - and the movie captured the magic a kid finds in a good story. It was nice to be in a movie on a friday night and have people ( esp older kids ) going 'wow'.
OTH, it has been a while since I have been to the movies on a friday night. and at the big 25 theater - I forgot how many gangs are out. do to the recent killing of a police officer by a gang member they were fllaunting thier colors last night.
Yeah, I'm a procrastinator too, Lilty. That's what I'm thinking too.
Uh oh! Emily's up. And I've had a HUGE coffee! I'm gonna be, "Let's plan our day!" And she's gonna be all, "Can I have some coffee first?" Poor Emily.
Good morning and coffee to Emily!
do to the recent killing of a police officer by a gang member they were fllaunting thier colors last night.
WTF is wrong with people?
People are various types of crazy.
vw, don't craze the emily! approach carefully and provide coffee until she no longer displays signs of agitation.
I'm getting a kitten tomorrow!
Daniel, if you have time, could you answer an e-mail I sent you yesterday? If the reply says nothing other than, "Andi! aaagh!" I will understand. Safe car and easy travel-ma to you both.
WTF is wrong with people?
don't know.
I just remembered. I can go to a farmer's maket today. yay! matt is doing prep work for a big meal. this is the weekend of the silent film festivle in town - and the VIP's get treated to a dinner. Somewhere along the line I get to help serve.
new kitty!
and mine just made the pay attention noise.
I'm very excited. This kitty was offered on freecycle for quite some time, but I kept thinking someone who really needed a kitty would take her home, but no one did, and then the lady posted that her husband said the kitty would have to go to a shelter if no one wanted her (she's keeping the kitty's mom, which she found starving in an alley, and she already had two other cats), and I said I'd like to have her and now she's mine! Or will be tomorrow, anyway.
I have to think of a good name for her.
Deena, what a cutie! Can't think of any good names, but I'll think on it.