WTF is wrong with people?
don't know.
I just remembered. I can go to a farmer's maket today. yay! matt is doing prep work for a big meal. this is the weekend of the silent film festivle in town - and the VIP's get treated to a dinner. Somewhere along the line I get to help serve.
new kitty!
and mine just made the pay attention noise.
I'm very excited. This kitty was offered on freecycle for quite some time, but I kept thinking someone who really needed a kitty would take her home, but no one did, and then the lady posted that her husband said the kitty would have to go to a shelter if no one wanted her (she's keeping the kitty's mom, which she found starving in an alley, and she already had two other cats), and I said I'd like to have her and now she's mine! Or will be tomorrow, anyway.
I have to think of a good name for her.
Deena, what a cutie! Can't think of any good names, but I'll think on it.
So cute!
And, while you can't name your cat until you meet it, Pip came to mind.
Don't ask me why. Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear!
Lilty, no one else around here seemed to understand that I couldn't possibly name her until we meet.
Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear!
This cracked me up. It is so true.
It's stolen from Empire Records, alas. Not mine own.
Cutiehead cat, Deena! You definitely can't name it until you meet her. All of my cats went through several names before they found their real ones.