Fred -- that's exactly the problem. And then you have people in South Florida trying to evacuate and they all cram into the interstates and it takes forever.
Last year for one of thehurricanes my great uncle (who really shouldn't be driving the distances he does AT ALL) didn't want to evacuate from teh beach. Thank god they did because the road from their house to the main road flooded and was impassalbe.
refuses to wave to Aimee
(holding out for a visit promise)
We promise to visit. It is sad that we have lived in CA for almost 8 years and haven't been up there yet.
Yes it is. You should come soon.
You should come soon.
And I'll give you the same tour that I give to the movie stars.
Make sure it's not the same vanilla Bitch card Steph had. I think that one was broken.
So, um, I think I'm going to try to not smoke tommorrow. Or the day after that. And so on. I have three ciggies left, which I'll smoke tonight, then tommorrow put on one of these patch thingies I've got.
Thus, I apologize in advance for the cranky, incoherent Lilty to follow.