Oh yeah. It's my three-month blood draw for my diabetes meds. No big. I just hate needles.
Okay, good. Yeah, I hate needles, too. I have to lie down when they draw my blood, and inside my head, I repeat, "LALALALALA this isn't happening LALALA."
Two weeks ago when I got my A1c, it took them
attempts to draw my blood.
Y'all can swoon now.
Two weeks ago when I got my A1c, it took them ... attempts to draw my blood.
Good lord! Who was trying to draw it, a chimp on crack? That's just not right. Poor Daniel.
I never have a problem having blood drawn, but no one can ever start an IV on me. I had my gall bladder out years ago, and went into the operating room stone cold sober because the nurse tried three sticks in an attempt to start the pre-surgery mellowing drug IV and stopped. That wasn't fun. The anesthesiologist gave me a shot of Valium that burned like a mofo, and I told him he looked like an egg before I passed out.
And now for some reason, every time she yawns, AmyLiz clucks like a chicken.
Thanks, I'll be here all week. Enjoy the veal.
Julia's got her dance recital in a little more than an hour. I'm headachey and have been up since the crack of arse, this morning. I have to go make her pretty (not a tough job) and me human, and then we're outta here. Wish us twinkle toes.
every time she yawns, AmyLiz clucks like a chicken
Bwah! Cluck.
Wish us twinkle toes.
Twinkle toes! And don't forget the camera.
We can't take flash photography during the recital, because it can distract the dancers. My own (by the power of my will) and two other families will abide by this rule mind you, but there it is.
I really have to run. Scott and the boys went to pick up his mom, and my mother is going to be here in 30 minutes, and the girlie's not in her costume yet.
Later, gators.
Man, F2F sounds fun. Too bad about the whole still-in-school-because-we-graduate-absurdly-late-here thing.
Somebody drink a martini for me. Gin. Dry. Twist.
twinkle-toes-ma to Julia!
Some of my co-workers who were there are also Jewish, but Reform, and they explained to me how the different sects can get into a very I'm-more-religious-than-you-are competition. And I admit, I thought that was pretty much Christian territory, but, my co-workers said, Jews can be just as bad.
I always get extra horrified about the Christianity-YAY stuff that goes on in your workplace on behalf of your Jewish co-workers.
So bloody tired. Did errands, and didn't get the boxes we needed to pack (there are some in my office, but stupid me, I left my keys on my desk yesterday) BUT we did some MUCH needed sorting through bills, paystubs, papers, etc., which had previously been filed by Amazon box. Not sorted into various Amazon boxes in an organized appropriate fashion. No. Everything that wasn't to be thrown away was tossed into the Amazon box of the month. So, though it doesn't look like we did a lot, we did a lot of necessary little stuff, and I'm glad. Filing yay. It sucks but is so awesome when it's done...
vw & Em- got your message, I'm sorry I didn't even feel human enough to call back -we are just zombies right now... but thanks for thinking of us!
Tom is making mussels steamed in wine in the Belgian fashion. Damn I wish I had a deep fat fryer, I'd make some frites and some homemade mayonaise to go with them. We also have white wine and Belgian beer and a crusty loaf of bread. Ooh, and runny brie. Tres bien!
LOVE the picture of Cash and erika. Both so damn luminous.
OK, typing this has worn me out. Must lie down. Later I will check out the F2F thread and die of jealousy. Possibly sobbing.
Okay, you know, Nora, we're jealous enough without you taunting us with the food!
...oh, wait. I don't even like mussels. Still. It sounds taunty!
I understand tiredness -- and besides, vw only just got up from a nap. But we miss you! A lot!
Miss you guys too- very much looking forward to Tuesday. And feeling human enough to hang out big time, old school, hard core... and so on.