Some of my co-workers who were there are also Jewish, but Reform, and they explained to me how the different sects can get into a very I'm-more-religious-than-you-are competition. And I admit, I thought that was pretty much Christian territory, but, my co-workers said, Jews can be just as bad.
I always get extra horrified about the Christianity-YAY stuff that goes on in your workplace on behalf of your Jewish co-workers.
So bloody tired. Did errands, and didn't get the boxes we needed to pack (there are some in my office, but stupid me, I left my keys on my desk yesterday) BUT we did some MUCH needed sorting through bills, paystubs, papers, etc., which had previously been filed by Amazon box. Not sorted into various Amazon boxes in an organized appropriate fashion. No. Everything that wasn't to be thrown away was tossed into the Amazon box of the month. So, though it doesn't look like we did a lot, we did a lot of necessary little stuff, and I'm glad. Filing yay. It sucks but is so awesome when it's done...
vw & Em- got your message, I'm sorry I didn't even feel human enough to call back -we are just zombies right now... but thanks for thinking of us!
Tom is making mussels steamed in wine in the Belgian fashion. Damn I wish I had a deep fat fryer, I'd make some frites and some homemade mayonaise to go with them. We also have white wine and Belgian beer and a crusty loaf of bread. Ooh, and runny brie. Tres bien!
LOVE the picture of Cash and erika. Both so damn luminous.
OK, typing this has worn me out. Must lie down. Later I will check out the F2F thread and die of jealousy. Possibly sobbing.
Okay, you know, Nora, we're jealous enough without you taunting us with the food!
...oh, wait. I don't even like mussels. Still. It sounds taunty!
I understand tiredness -- and besides, vw only just got up from a nap. But we miss you! A lot!
Miss you guys too- very much looking forward to Tuesday. And feeling human enough to hang out big time, old school, hard core... and so on.
Well, good. Cause the F2F photos are making me crazy with the jealousy, and somehow we people in this area never seem to get together on weekends when we could spend much time together, and I feel like we don't see any of you people at all and and and...
Sorry, sudden attack. Better now.
Two weeks ago when I got my A1c, it took them ... attempts to draw my blood.
Good lord! Who was trying to draw it, a chimp on crack? That's just not right. Poor Daniel.
Two very apologetic lab techs, with a very patient me urging them on to keep trying.
You see, even when I'm not this fat, my veins are deep. they are also rubbery and roll. I just smiled patiently and told them to keep trying.
Then they suggested I "go make a new appointment and we'll try another day."
As I was walking down the hall, one of them suggested to the other, and she said "wait! maybe we can get it from one of your fingers."
Aha!" I exclaimed, "I know just what finger to give you."
The other lab tech giggled.
I rolled my eyes. They milked my most giving finger. And no. It is my right hand ring finger.
No, I hear ya. I'm so low on the being able to leave the house. Except, apparantly for necessary errands at Trader Joe's and Target. Oh, bejeezus. I just realized I HAVEN'T BRUSHED MY TEETH YET TODAY. Lord. I am totally on the edge of being a part of polite society. Uh, gotta run.
Good news. I may have found a buyer for my loom. If she pays the full asking price, that's the next month's mortgage paid and then some, so any sale~ma would be appreciated.
Sale~ma, Anne. How's it going in the new house? Getting everything settled in alright?
Thanks to everyone for the comments about my photo...
Today has been a went well but I remembered that I copied ten pages twice. Argh.
Editing is kind of a drag anyway as taking stuff out doesn't feel as good as putting stuff in.