The item I associate with being described "like a carpet/rug" is a toupee. So that particular description of those inserts doesn't do much to recommend them to me.
ION, someone here at the library has a 6 month old seeing eye dog in training here. I am seriously considering Grand Theft Puppy because I can't even pet her and she's sooooooo beautiful.
It's official. I'm finished with this semester. Just dropped off my final project.
Yay! (I bet it's all A's, too, little bug that could.)
I don't know...I'm expecting two A's for sure. One of the classes might end up being a B+. It depends on how she grades this final paper and my class participation. I may squeak by with an A-.We'll see.
It's official. I'm finished with this semester. Just dropped off my final project.
Go party madly, you and your iPod having self!
Yay, vw! Crank up the iPod, baby!