Also: Teppy? It was a mere 80 degrees out? It's still 85 here!!!
Yeah, but I was bellydancing in a studio with specious air conditioning. Am now drinking copious amounts of very watered-down gatorade (flavor: blue) in an attempt to rehydrate.
t /sweatier-than-thou
Good luck on the interview!
Thanks for the huggin'!
I'm contemplating getting some water and then going to sleep. Also, in utterly unrelated news, I have a hangnail that is driving me mad.
Thank you!
Obviously you guys should have taken a boombox and done the belly dancing in the parking lot.
Did anyone else see that ad for the Fox show coming in July which is some sort of dance contest?
Oh, sumi! All of my job~ma are belong to you. It served me well recently, so I can vouch for the fact that it is indeed some good ~ma.
Consuela -- those kittens are FAR TOO CUTE.
Thank goodness they are 10000 miles away from me.
Obviously you guys should have taken a boombox and done the belly dancing in the parking lot.
Ahaha! It's a class of beginners, and while some of the students have picked the moves up pretty quickly, a lot of us haven't. I can't even imagine how funny we'd look out in the parking lot. People would probably stop and throw rotten fruit at us.
One of the songs we dance to -- it's all Arabic/Middle Eastern/Indian-influenced -- samples the theme from "Knight Rider." For serious. I dissolve into giggles every time it comes on, which really hampers my ability to wiggle my hips properly.
One of the songs we dance to -- it's all Arabic/Middle Eastern/Indian-influenced -- samples the theme from "Knight Rider." For serious. I dissolve into giggles every time it comes on, which really hampers my ability to wiggle my hips properly.
Oh dear.
The sample actually works with the Arabic music, somehow, but because it's "Knight Rider," it cracks me up.
Oh yes--that was what was getting me giggling over here. I think I'd be compelled to say KITT-like things the whole time.
I've got the original Knight Rider theme - I should send it to y'all. It's pretty cool, actually.
Oh, David, he'll love it! He's so bright he ought to eat the humor right up. I was afraid that the show may not hold up from when I was a kid, but it's every bit as good as it was then.
Yeah, he's just watched "Apocalypse Pete," "Hard Day's Pete" and the Summer special with Mr. Tastee (aka Michael Stipe). I think he's hooked. But then he was weaned on Pee Wee's Playhouse so that kind of set the standard.