Dear Relatives:
I am sorry that the fact that we decided to purchase a house that has a bathroom on the 2nd floor (and not toilet on the 1st floor) causes you consternation and makes you feel betrayed by us. However, as it is our house, I'd appreciate it if it wasn't brought up with a rueful sigh and non-funny jokes about installing a port-o-potty in our back yard during EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CONVERSATION about our home, including conversations that we are not even present for. Please to get over it, most of you live in two story houses ANYWAY.
GOD. Who wants you whiners over to visit ANYWAY?
Signed, it's fucking hot and I hate people. Especially my family. Buncha gossips.
They'd rather walk OUTSIDE than upstairs to pee??? WTF?
You should joke right back, "Yeah, we looked at one with extra bedrooms and bathrooms so that you all could come visit whenever you liked, but then we were afraid you might."
sends Nora's relatives a chamber pot.
How well does my husband know me? He calls from upstairs, "Honey, Jon Bon Jovi is in a really bad vampire movie on tv. Thought you might want to watch it."
I had to admit I had already seen it and that it was, indeed, very bad.
Oh, I think I've seen that one! Where he's like a hunter, and other hunters are getting killed, and there's a kid I think, and priests and stuff? That one! It is truly very horrible, and yet I too have seen the whole thing.
Nora, whafuck? Also, what Heather said. They needn't worry, as you wouldn't dream of inconveniencing them by having them over.
And if you do, the rest of us will scold you for it, and line the sidewalk to your front door on the day your relatives come to visit, and we'll PIE THEM.
Oh, I think I've seen that one! Where he's like a hunter, and other hunters are getting killed, and there's a kid I think, and priests and stuff? That one! It is truly very horrible, and yet I too have seen the whole thing.
It's like pseudo-sequel to John Carpenter's Vampires. At least James Woods made me believe he was a vampire hunter.
Dude couldn't figure out that the guy who'd slept
outside all night
might be a sleeper vampire agent.
The Queer Eye guys are making over 4 players from the Sox. I don't want this hour of tv to end. They are going to wax Johnny Damon's chest!!!