Anyway, am I being a butthead?
No. My mother was upset about something like this the other day and noted that when you invite guests to an event then a large part of your planning is about making your guests comfortable not about what you want.
The something like this is my cousin's wedding, where everyone is expected to sit on quilts. It's okay for me, but my parents are the youngest of the older generation and they're 72. Rather uncomfortable for them, and numerous other senior who will be there.
At $90 for the cheapest treatment, I think "Too rich for my blood." is a perfectly reasonable excuse.
That's not chump change. That's a Shuffle, once tip is factored in.
Ok. I have fifteen minutes. I have spent a ton of time on these stupid labels...making them all pretty with the school logo on them and shit. Just found out that we don't use the label size I was using, so now I get to redo it for a third time....without the logo. Hell, I might just go buy the stupid labels myself so I don't have to redo this AGAIN.
And Nora, the S-ville Target is about the same distance as Watertown for me, I think anyway...
It's a bit much. A wedding we just went to recently, the bachelor party was a dimilar deal - staying overnight at a resort/spa - that we couldn't afford. DH went, but I (actually, my dad drove, his friends totally mocked him for being picked up by his in-laws) went and picked him up at 2am to save the cost of the hotel room. Or he could have slept on someone's floor. Anyway, it put us in a difficult situation.
I think Miss Manners would say she's valuing where she has the shower over who will be there to celebrate with her.
Bummer, vw. I hate when what whould be a simple task becomes herculean basically because yo haven't done it precisely that way before.
Yeah. Like, a spa's a great idea for an outing with friends, even for celebrating the upcoming wedding -- with that kind of thing it's much easier to say, "I really can't afford that. Maybe if we had dinner instead?" But for the actual shower, you can't be expecting all your guests to pay for the privilege of bringing you a gift. Er, I think.
the spa thing is nutty. Sheesh.
(insert rant about wedding culture of entitlement here)
I'm actually kind of grossed out about the spa shower thing, on your behalf, Aimee.
Ok. I'm taking my crabby self to school now.
Davids -- so glad that EM has found a job -- whoo hoo!
And Aimee -- excellent news on the loan getting.