For me, it got to the point that there just weren't too many places to go which were worth all the work of getting there. It was okay with just Ben. And Ben was almost three when Julia was born, so that was okay, too. Like Aidan and Kara, there's only 17 months between Chris and Julia. That was hard hard work. I would have to bring Ben and carry Julia to the car, while I left Chris on the porch, in his car seat. I would buckle them in, then go get Chris, and carry him down. I'm amazed I never left him behind. I should have gotten a double stroller, but never did. By the time I realized my error, I couldn't justify the expense for a six month or so period of use.
It's still easier to go places without Chris, but primarily because he has no concept of words like "quickly" "hurry" and "right away".
Deena so glad your Dad is doing better.
No diaper bag, no leashes, no strollers, no need for changes of clothing or secret stash of valium.
I'm trying to imagine a time you don't need leashes. Or valium.
secret stash of valium
I'm just pissed because I've apparently misplaced my secret stash of valium.
I have depleted my secret stash of valium and Kara disemboweled her leash.
I didn't know leashes had bowels.
Ben's team having now lost all 8 baseball games of the season,
Oof, I'm having a sudden urge to fly to Ohio and hit grounders.
Things Coach David Says About 8,000 Times Per Practice
"Down on the ball! Down on the ball!"
the bag!"
"Good eye! Good eye!"
"Keep your head down, you're flying out. Head on the ball."
"Don't step away. Step toward the pitcher."
Now that I think of it, pretty much all of baseball is related to (a) watching the ball very carefully at all times and (b) conquering your fear of the ball (both fielding and hitting). Because a lot of what you're training them to do is to counter the instinct to Get Away From The Flying Object.
Oof, I'm having a sudden urge to fly to Ohio and hit grounders.
Ben's in Mass. However, Owen's not too far away from benefiting from the practice. DH played high school and college baseball, so we're still hoping O settles on his left hand for throwing.
OK, I've made all my reminder calls for the wedding, and I now officially get to forget about it until I get to the church for the rehearsal this afternoon. And the sound tech said he'd help me move the sanctuary furniture back after the wedding (when the strapping young ushers will have other things to do, such as flirting with bridesmaids at the reception), so that should minimize my heavy lifting nicely.
we're still hoping O settles on his left hand for throwing.
We think Annabel has decided to be right-handed, much to her southpaw father's disappointment. Of course, if we
want to be obsessive baseball parents, we can teach her to bat left and throw right, like Ichiro.
My poor lefty brother only had my father teach him sports right-handed. So he bats, golfs, bowls and throws right-handed. That's all too hard for me. Fortunately, my FiL is also lefty, so O will have lots of teachers.
My dad would be on cloud nine if we could produce a pitcher, since he pitched in high school and nearly went to the minors before marrying mom.