Can't do anything about the teens or the heat, but can you pick another pair of shoes or bring a pair of socks to slip on and go without shoes. Your feet will thank you.
Hmm... When I'm at work, I can do this, but then work is the time when I'm least on my feet anyway. But thank you!
Timelies! I've been semi-lurking for a while, but I see you've all been busy.
First of all, big congratulations to Jon and FAQ girl! You were obviously in love in NO, so it's not a surprise you got married. Best wishes for many happy years together.
And congrats to Stephanie, Ellie, and Stephanie's DH.
and ... well, that's all for now.
Yay! I'm so glad that Stephanie got her flowers!
Psst...Stephanie, look out for a box coming too :)
Yay for Stephanie's flowers and Joe getting home and meeting Ellie and yay!
My dog is freaking out over the move or something and won't sleep at night. He'll stand by the bed and pant until one of us gets up, or he'll climb half onto the bed, all the stuff he normally only does when he's freaked out by thunder. THere was a little thunder early in the evening, but it stopped, and he didn't stop freaking out. DH finally put him outside at 2am, where he apparently lay down with his head right next to the door until I got up at 5 and let him back in. I feel bad for him, something is clearly upsetting him, but damn, I need my sleep.
IO minor annoyance N: Harrah's has a job opening that I'm not completely qualified for but that I'd like to throw an application at, just in case it'd get me an interview, but I can't because is blocked by the office netnanny, presumably because gambling is bad. Tiresome.
So happy that Stephanie and Joe and Ellie are reunited.
I've sighted Fay in Fan Fic! Fay! Tell, tell!
When we used to both be able to be online at the same time I would email DH also. Same reason - if he needs to know about something, it lodges better if he sees it, rather than if I try to talk to him while he's doing something else. And no IM, as he's convinced it causes conflicts with everything on his computer and makes the computer suck.
Huh. Raquel married me.
Yay for Stephanie and Joe and Ellie! Yay!
So glad Stephanie, Ellie and Joe are reunited!
-t, it's taken a bit for my cat to get used to the new house. She's mostly been staying under the bed and only venturing out occasionally, but yesterday I saw her lolling on the floor belly up so she must be okay with most of it.
Except she's not drinking water from the dish. I ordered her an everflow thing but it hasn't gotten here yet, and she'll only drink water from the facuet -- which I'm turning on just to let her drink and then turning off. I feel like I'm spoiling her that way but I'm worried about her not drinking.
Well, you don't want her to dehydrate, spoiling her is probably the lesser evil. With luck, she'll make the transition to the everflow when it comes and not demand the faucet forever.
Oddly enough, the cats are totally happy with the move. One of them has decided she's gonna be an indoor kitty now, which is fine with me. She will occasionally meow in a conversational tone for a minute ior two, which she rarely did before the move. I'm assuming she's saying something along the lines of "Thank you for bringing me to this spacious new place where I can easily avoid the other cat and the (ptui) dog, would iot kill you to get me some more canned food?" The otehr cat is being annoying, but in exactly the same way she always has been, so I don't think she's been traumatized at all. Just the dog, who was, up until now, eerily well-adjusted and easy going. I guess he's due.