Interesting, Robin. I need a genius haircutter. Except that one of the things I like about being bangless is that my widow's peak shows. (I had bangs until 4-5 years ago because I thought they were obligatory for anyone with a high forehead.)
And I feel moonfaced because I can't look at my face in the mirror at this weight and think vain thoughts about my cheekbones. Back in the day when I was under 160 lbs., I had actual hollows between my cheekbones and jawbone.
Sadly this [link] recipe doesn't mention the difference diet makes in the milk flavor that makes it easier to distinguish creams and butters from different regions.
Welcome to the world, Ellie, and congratulations to Stephanie and Joe!
vw, I'ma PayPal you tomorrow evening with my contribution.
Hello, all. Yay for Ellie and Ellie's parents! I have had a somewhat productive, somewhat fun, somewhat restful weekend, so that's good. Highlights included: going to a local bar for 10 year reunion shenanigans, waking up with a hangover after drinking FOUR beers, looking at washers & dryers and TVs, clothes shopping, window shopping at the largest furniture store "in the country," packing, eating Indian food, sweating a lot in my third floor walkup, and going to see a MAGNIFICENT production of "Desire Under The Elms" at the ART.
Sleepy, but sweaty, and afraid that I won't be able to sleep. I *really* don't want to haul the a/c out, we're moving in less than a month, and the thing is HEAVY!
I need to get my hair cut.
Thanks, Plei. I've bookmarked those to take in next time I go for a trim.
Welcome to the world, Ellie! Be nice to your mama.
All kinds of ~ma for Fay!