I didn't know about the calcium thing, but Medline Plus informs me that in addition to being caused by screwy calcium levels, facial tingling/numbness can also be caused by screwy sodium and/or potassium levels.
So it could be as simple as your electrolytes being out of whack. Hasn't it been hotter than normal in Seattle recently? Maybe you got dehydrated without realizing it, and your sodium levels are crazy low.
it seems more concentrated around my forehead, cheekbones, and nose--could it be sinuses even if I'm not experiencing any congestion?
Oh, HELL yes. I often get hideous sinus pain without actual congestion, or just very very minimal congestion. Check with your doctor first, but if it's sinus, my method of attack is always 12-hour sudafed (or its generic/CVS equivalent) along with 3-4 ibuprofen every 4-6 hours.
Occam's razor suggests that it's probably sinuses. While we definitely have Buffistas who are proof that the more uncommon diagnoses do happen, it's true that in most cases, the simplest, most common diagnosis is the correct one. And in your case, sinuses sound right on the money. They're annoying little bastards.
This has been an impressive display of knowledge.
Which I cannot add to. But I hope it's nothing serious, Susan.
It was hot last week, but not this week. Still, I've probably forgotten my multivitamin more often than I've taken it the past couple weeks, and I did drink fewer liquids the past couple days than normal, so it's possible something's out of whack along those lines.
I just noticed yesterday that what used to be Eckerd's Drugs is a CVS. It's strangely disorienting, like I was whisked to a different part of the country while I wasn't paying attention.
But call your doctor anyway Susan. Just in case.
It could also be a migraine coming on, which would certainly be exacerbated by your recent car stress.
It that case, it could definitely be sinus. In addition to Teppy's remedies, try breathing steam and lying down with a hot washcloth on your face.
I'm such a schmoop. I had TLC on in the background and Perfect Proposal was on. The guy was an animator who made a cartoon proposing to his GF.
So. Damn. Cute.
K, it wasn't double-post schmoopy.