Rumour had it they were beards too. And the publicity before War Of The Worlds wouldn't hurt.
The Tom likes girls? confusion is going around again, with an extra dose of cynical photo-op flacking? "Your winnings, sir."
Sometime Prefers Macca's Gentle Kindness Over John's Acerbic Wit
Right on.
Scientologists believe ailments can be cured with niacin.
t /Keanu
Freaky, Erin. And clearly, from his point of view, just genuinely doing a good deed. Whereas from mine, at least, um... a little pressure-y and uncomfortable.
So married with small child.
Oh yeah, good point. I keep forgetting things like that. Really should keep up with celebrity life more.
Or, well, not.
Functionally, I think so.
Joey Potter wasn't a nymphet either. Even in the first season. Too post-pubescent: Humbert Humbert would have had no interest in her unless he had already fallen in love. Lolita herself was the only post-14-year-old he ever had any interest in, and only because he was fixated.
ETA: Apparently Joey was about to turn fifteen in the first episode. So she maybe qualifies. Barely. Still, body-wise, I'm guessing her boobies disqualified her.
Katie Holmes was in that movie with Riley. But she played a teen there, too. Don't think she's a teen in Batman. Seems unlikely.
Watch out for Whitney! She's crazy!
Yeah, Em, it was so strange. But I am crazy broke, so....I took it and put it in the gas tank. I have pride, but I kinda need to get to interviews.
Too post-pubescent
Eh. She was a dewy 15 or 16 when the show debuted. Works for me. Nymphet, to me, means the young edge of nubile. But nubile.
Don't think she's a teen in Batman. Seems unlikely.
All the better time to do something old, like date a guy who got famous shortly after she was born.
I don't think I can think about Tom/Katie anymore. It's just too large an "Eww".
The age difference between them doesn't even ping me. She's an adult.
Those pictures of him on Oprah make me think it's too bad he's so anti-medication.
Erin, random acts of kindness are acceptable. Yay for full gas tank.
I have no thoughts on Tom/Katie.
The age difference doesn't really bother me, but I don't think much of her choice.
A professor here rode around the country with Nabokov and Nabokov's son while he was researching Lolita. That professor just had his 75th birthday.
That's all I got. Meetings all day have fried my brain. Fortunately, new pictures of my sister's puppy.
Erin, that is weird. Nice, but weird. I like true good deedy-types, regardless of their purposes. It reminds me of that psychotically sappy country song, Clay Walker's "Chain of Love".
I just riffed on one of Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals--I prefer to call it "upside down pot pie". Simple chicken stew served over those big, canned biscuits. Took 20 minutes, tops. Yummy.
I guess I don't mind if individuals (be they Scientologists or otherwise) eschew medication in favor of vitamins and meditation for themselves. But when they bitch at another human being for taking meds (and imply that their career is in the shitter because of it) for conditions that can CAUSE PSYCHOSIS IN POSTPARTUM WOMEN WHO MAY KILL THEMSELVES OR THEIR BABIES, they're pushing my major "slap the shit out of them" button.
Ranks right up there with the fuckwits who refuse to give their babies antibiotics, causing the death of the child from something simple like bronchitis in my own book.
There's now a clip on Noggin showing two adults in an elevator singing the theme song from "Franklin". Laughing my ass off at it. But only because I sing the themes from O's favorite shows myself.