Not in top 1000 until the 70s, then 439
I wonder what prompted other parents to pick that name. I'm pretty sure reading
Stranger in a Strange Land
and changing the spelling to avoid being called Gilly (with a hard 'g') is not the route most parents took.
"Frederick" peaked in the early 1900s (or for all I know, the late 1800s), and has been on a slow decline since then.
Which means I've been retro since birth.
Jillian is quite popular now, and also had a big spike in the late 70s /early 80s.
"Pleiades" is only number one in our hearts.
And yet I've known more Freds than Emilys. It's a kooky world.
"William", however, is in the top 20 throughout their timeline. It's gone from 2 to 11, but still.
Laughs forever.
Heh. I kinda want one. (Work safe)
I have to pee. There is no one in the office to answer phones so I can go pee. I can't leave the office to go find someone. This is a problem.
But, I've gotten three compliments on my new skirt that I got for $4.07 at Filene's yesterday, plus, two compliments on my new shoes. I'm all professional and shit.
Wow, I never realized how much Katie Holmes looks like Valerie Bertinelli.
"Tamara" peaked at 86 in the 70's. I'm such a trendsetter.
{{{Betsy}}} I am so sorry about the burglary.
{{{Lilty}}} I am sorry for your loss.
Delightful~ma, Trudy.
Belated Birthday wishes, Gud!
I am at work.
Yay, vw!