I not only saw the movie, I took today off and slept in.
If I had the energy, I'd smack sparky upside the head, but since I don't, I'll just give the stinkeye and let one of the people who didn't see SERENITY take care of it.
t /taunt..oh wait, that never closes
oh my god I am so tired I want to punch someone in the head. if only I had the energy.
I am NOT going to smack Sparky upside the head just to spite Frank and his taunty taunty ways.
So there.
I am so bored I am seeking out actual work to be done. This has gotta stop.
You don't hate me. I am exhausted even though I didn't see the Big Damn Movie. Okay. Well, you might hate me, but it would have to be for my naturally winning personality.
dude, I didn't see the movie, I was out far too late having dinner and cocktails (at the Oak Room!) with Tom's boss and wife. I am currently exhausted, vaguely/mildly hungover, and insecure about being a buffoon last night.
I have totally crashed. So exhausted. I'm also doing the most boring work ever right now, so that doesn't help.
Oh, that's right, Nora. I read that this morning, but you so don't = buffoon, that it slipped right out of my head. Seriously.
You have a wonderful, warm, friendly charm about you, and a sharp sense of humor. If this is your insecurities talking, then you'll get a *bap* with a nerf bapper.
If, on the other hand, the other couple did anything to make you feel like this, I will break out the Louisville Slugger (for them -- just metaphorically, as I hate violence, but still).
Nora and Cindy get all my sympathy. It's good stuff, too, all lavender scented and fluffy, not the hard, flat sympathy you get at Walmart.