Oh! Thanks for that, 'suela. It is wonderful. And now the absence of new Leverage that's been simmering in the background just got worse. I miss new Leverage!
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
And that there weren't any women who could apparently stick it out in that world--that bothered me, too.
Poor Meg, no one ever gave her credit...seven and a half seasons until the first time you die is pretty fucking epic for any Winchester proximity, lady! You will be missed.
Once the boys killed their first god, I needed God in the story. I am very happy about how they took on Judeo Christianity, barring one episode. But if they're going to go around offing other people's deities, the vulnerability of Yahweh's mythos needed to be on the table for me.
But! That's not what I wanted to talk about. Just about if the Vividcon vidders had ever been SPN and now were not, or if that's just my biased and limited perception. I don't really care why anyone leaves the show. It's Kripke/Gamble/Carver's job to keep eyes, not mine.
I don't know if John has seen that vid, but I sent it to him anyway.
I get the impression I have more AU hangups than most readers (uh, more hangups period than most readers). I'm not a big fan of "why not?" I'd rather ask "why?"
Just about if the Vividcon vidders had ever been SPN and now were not, or if that's just my biased and limited perception.
Yes, there was a lot of SPN in the first few years of the show, but over time there's been a wider distribution of sources on the VVC DVD set. I think people don't want to be all vidding the same source. So even folks that are big SPN fans may look elsewhere when submitting for VVC.
But Dana may know more than I.
I guess that's more a year upon year sort of thing, and they don't always know what everyone else will be submitting in a given year, because after a while I didn't know if I was watching a new Avengers vid, or the same one again.
The vids made me like Captain America more (how possible???) and Thor less--both had effective shots pulled from them, but for CA they felt characteristic, and for Thor I couldn't help thinking the rest of the movie wasn't like that, though. Both good jobs on the part of the vidders, and it's no one's job to make sure they have the most outlying good idea.
Ah, thank you Ao3, for giving us the capability to search within results and exclude the mpreg tag. SO MUCH crap just vanished off my works found page...
Ah, thank you Ao3, for giving us the capability to search within results and exclude the mpreg tag
I wish you could do that by chapter...perfectly sufficient alpha/beta/omega (why is no one in a main pairing beta in D/C, if the world has omegas in? anyway...) then turns into MPREG. I want to read up until the word "pup" is used outside of dirty talk, pretty much.
I am pausing at pup used in dirty talk. Or perhaps I am not imaginative enough.
I pretty much recoil from its use in non-dirty talk as well, unless an actual puppy is involved.
I am pausing at pup used in dirty talk.
I accept that a price of admission to nasty werewolf sex may include "I'm going to fill you with my pups, breed you up so good everyone will know you're mine.." marking claiming breeding talk. It comes with the territory of alpha/beta/omega dynamic porn, so if I opened the door at all I do expect to look in.
Shrift--is SPN totally out of vogue at Vividcon? I was just going through some of the older DVDs, and there's a big dearth. Did all the Vivid-people never get into it, or fall out of it?
I don't know? I think the answer is both? People have never gotten into it, have fallen away, and those who are still fans may have vidded all their ideas by now. Even in years where it felt like Supernatural was dominating, there probably were only 2 or 3 SPN vids in Premieres.
I thought there was going to be more Teen Wolf this year, but nope. The big thing was movies.