I pretty much recoil from its use in non-dirty talk as well, unless an actual puppy is involved.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I am pausing at pup used in dirty talk.
I accept that a price of admission to nasty werewolf sex may include "I'm going to fill you with my pups, breed you up so good everyone will know you're mine.." marking claiming breeding talk. It comes with the territory of alpha/beta/omega dynamic porn, so if I opened the door at all I do expect to look in.
Shrift--is SPN totally out of vogue at Vividcon? I was just going through some of the older DVDs, and there's a big dearth. Did all the Vivid-people never get into it, or fall out of it?
I don't know? I think the answer is both? People have never gotten into it, have fallen away, and those who are still fans may have vidded all their ideas by now. Even in years where it felt like Supernatural was dominating, there probably were only 2 or 3 SPN vids in Premieres.
I thought there was going to be more Teen Wolf this year, but nope. The big thing was movies.
Do a percentage of people fall out of every fandom? I was a lifer with Buffy and Angel, and obviously continue to be for SPN, so for me that's the norm, if that makes sense. I never know whether people are drifting away from SPN because they don't like it anymore, or it's a natural drift.
A lot of people do just drift from fandoms. Something else shiny catches their attention, and they no longer focus on the previous fannish love.
It happens to me, sometimes even when I still enjoy the source. Once the passion's gone, it's gone.
Sometimes it's the source material that loses its bloom. Sometimes it's the other fans that make a fandom less fun.
billytea and ryan were being adorable re: superheroes in Bitches. A fic came into my head.
The little voice was breathless, he'd been talking so fast. "And then Iron Man flies by, fast, woosh! and then there's the big green one! He's strong and smashes bad guys and jumps So! High!"
"Really high?" said the older male voice gravely.
"Really really high!"
"As high as Iron Man?"
"Daddy! Nobody goes as high as Iron Man!"
Bruce sighed quietly. Tony was going to hurt himself smothering his giggles. The little boy and his father had been wandering behind them through Central Park for ten minutes now. The little boy had spotted the tail end of a thankfully mild Avengers outing the other day and was explaining every tiny detail to his patient father. Dad seemed as well-versed in superhero trivia as his son, and it was clear where the little boy had come by his enthusiasm.
With a small oof, Dad picked up the little boy. "You're getting big, munchkin."
"But not green!"
"No, not green."
"Unless Mommy makes eggplant."
"Eggplant is good for you."
"Icky slimy!"
Tony nodded firmly. Bruce reached over and poked him.
The little boy made a thoughtful noise. "Maybe it wouldn't be so icky if it weren't the color of the green guy's underwear."
A snort got away from Tony before he could get a hand up to cover his mouth. Bruce hung his head.
"You know," Dad said, stifling his own chuckles, "the green guy has a name."
"Uh huh, I know!"
"You do? What is it?"
"The Incredible Honk!"
Bruce yanked Tony off the path towards an ice cream cart and got fifty yards before Tony overcame his sputters and burst out in a guffaw. The little boy and his father disappeared around a curve in the path, unaware of the hysterical superhero and his patient chaperone. Bruce crossed his arms and idly calculated the conical volume of ice cream cones as he waited for Tony to get hold of himself.
Tony finally subsided into gasping snickers and straightened up. Bruce stared at him. Grinning, Tony reached out and poked Bruce's nose. "Honk!"
Bruce sighed.
Two days later, the Avengers had a more exciting afternoon involving the ever-popular rogue robots and a budding megalomaniac looking to make a name for herself. Natasha was pleased to see equal opportunities for villains.
One of the robots had been slamdunked into a parked BMW, triggering the horn into a plaintive, continuous protest.
The action was finally winding down, and Hulk dropped to the street near the BMW. He stared at the car.
Iron Man cruised up. "Somewhere a German engineer is weeping. Not even sturdy enough to withstand a paltry eight hundred pounds of metal landing on it. Hey, Big Green, you want to smash that and shut it up? Put it out of its misery?"
Hulk tilted his head, then started to shake.
"Uh, Hulk? Buddy? You OK?"
The bellow of laughter broke a couple of nearby windows that had, up until then, survive the chaos.
"Good lord," Captain America said over the comms. "That's a little disturbing."
Hulk looked up at Iron Man and pointed at the car. "Honk!"
Iron Man fell on his metal ass on the street, laughing.
"I don't even want to know," Captain America said.
Oh merciful heavens, the cats are looking at me funny.
Dammit, my fanart Tumblr follower numbers are in the low 90s. People do things when they hit thresholds. I can't work out a thing. It's not like I can just, you know, draw better, or anything.
For 69 followers, that was pretty easy.
It could take me another month to get the next 7 followers. Or a year. Assuming I lose none. What the FUCK is appropriate for such a teeny weeny little anniversary?
You could always do a 99 Problems-themed drawing for that number instead. (Not one of the better episodes plot-wise, but hey, visually you'd have Michael Shanks to play with...)