Am sad. I'm reading a Supernatural fic set in Purgatory, and quite randomly, Dean meets Althea. You know, The Last Unicorn.
It's handled quite seriously, not in a cracky manner at all (except for the line about the Red Bull, which I think was just a way to make sure readers got who was just inserted into the story) and it made me terribly sad. Because Peter S. Beagle's book wasn't sad enough.
Am now waiting for the harpy to show up.
I just came across a fic I shall surely not read. The summary said, "I suck at summaries, but this is "Medieval [fandom]" where it takes place in Medieval or Renn times, whichever has princesses and jousting, not the other one, I don't know for sure." OK, that's from memory, not an exact quote. Just for the fun of it, I looked at the reviews. One said, this is great, definitely continue it, but maybe if you aged the characters because some of the things they are saying are too advanced for an 8 year old to say.
Dear heavens, I ran from that fic.
I hate when authors apologize for their stories. People, I understand stagefright, but it's probably not as bad as you think. And if you are knowingly putting out fic that's bad--not even intentionally badfic--then you're not doing yourself any favors.
I wonder what would happen if I went around PMing all the authors I see advertising how they suck at summaries with a suggestion to just CC&P a quote from the story.
I'll confess I recently commented on one author's story to tell her that tag entries are not her Twitter feed.
snerk, Matt. "I don't even." "All the feeeeels!"
Matt, I have been tempted to do just that on many an occasion.
Recently I clicked on a fic with an uninspiring summary and really enjoyed the summary--enough that I had to tell her that her story was way way better than her teaser led me to believe--it even misled me about the plot.
Poor thing--I wasn't even the first commenter who'd said that. But to her credit, she did edit the summary at least twice more before I finished reading it, and they were better. Not great, but better. Never, I think, has an "I suck at summaries--try it anyway!" been more literally deserved, and she hadn't initially even said so.
I effin' hate summaries. For the record.
I'm tempted, should I ever write something for public consumption outside of Yuletide again, to just make all summaries moving forward quotes from Yoda.
And now that I'm home, ita !, thanks for the links!