'Heart Of Gold'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The last part of Words May Fail (The Body Remains) is up! I haven't read it yet, I'm re-reading Hollow Your Bones and don't want to mix them. But I re-read Words May Fail just a few days ago and was bemoaning the WIP. Yay, fic!
For Connie who asked for Stark Trek in the movie thread: [link]
Tonight (I’m Fucking You) by canistakahari. Totally NC-17(01) PWP. Tony meets a hot, intriguing stranger at a fundraiser. Obviously he takes him home. Tony Stark/Leonard McCoy. Hot and hilarious.
BTW, I was happily skipping through the Clint/Coulson prompt community over on LJ and was wondering if there was one for Steve/Tony. My search-fu failed me, and I was hoping someone might know of such a thing.
I love this fandom, multiple pairings to obsess over.
I do not get FrostIron, but I think that's my hobby now, not getting ships.
I don't see FrostIron, either. I'm happy with Steve/Tony and Clint/Coulson.
Fanfic tags I do not want to see: i had twilight in mind when I started this
I like Steve/Tony, Tony/Pepper, Clint/Coulson, Tony/Bruce, and the occasionally Steve/Tony/Bruce (mostly because the portmanteau seems to be Stark Spangled Banner).
It's a plethora of pleasure.
I just want to find some Tony/Natasha fic that isn't about her manipulating him or the team. I did a search of AO3, and it was all weird. I think the two of them could have some great comfort sex.