I'm combing through kink meme now. I love a new fandom's worth of fic.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Just want to pimp a new story for the Reverse Big Bang on cap_ironman, a '30s era au with Tony as a bootlegger in Chicago and Steve as the honest homicide cop from New York who got transferred under mysterious circumstances. A body is found in the snow, it looks like a rumrunner was killed, and clues point to the boss of the North Side speakeasies, Tony Stark . . .
by copperbadge, if you needed any other incentive. The accompanying pictures are delicious.
Because there now is a LetsdrawSPN I learnt of the LetsdrawSherlock project, and I think I'm going to pack up my toys and go home after this [link] because it is PERFECT.
(Just kidding--I have my concept for the SPN one--booyah!)
How popular is the 221B fic format in the fandom? I can't believe they had to think one up for SPN.
Been working my way through AvengerKink. And boy, when they say kink . . . I'm very, very grateful for the clear tags and summaries of what people are looking for. I don't want my fic to be that educational, kthxbye.
LTLJ, who wrote the Retrograde stories in SGA/SG-1, has written an Avengers story: [link]
Whoot! It is likely to be quite good. Thanks, Conseuela!
Yesterday I ran across a Teen Wolf/Hannah Montana fusion. I don't know whether to bust out laughing or be horrified.
Not a fic, but a vid rec, and I thought it was quite unusual and striking and lovely. It's Tony/Steve, or possibly just Tony+Steve, set to Grizzly Bear and Feist's "Service Bell". All comic book images: [link]
Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I was link-surfing from some of the Wiscon reports and came across this earlier assay by Kate Nepveu on Mary Sue. (I recall us having a conversation here about Mary-Sueism re. Avengers fanfic a while back.)
This bit made me chortle:
So, this girl: she's tragically orphaned, incredibly rich, stunningly attractive, a genius, and an Olympic-level athlete. She has no superhuman abilities, yet she defeats superhumans with ease.
People who defy her are inevitably wrong. She has unshakably loyal friends and allies, and every guy she meets falls in love with her—even though she is consumed by angst, tends to treat people pretty badly, and never stays in any romantic relationship because she is dedicated to what is Pure and Good.
What a Mary Sue, right?
I just described . . . Batman.
That's pretty funny. Skimming, I thought she was Antonia Stark.
But you could write something like that about Wonder Woman. Then what would you have achieved?
I do agree that the term is now poisoned beyond any use. If she's not a self-insert she's just the lead character. And the point of the insert is how the addition subverts the existing universe and the relationships within at the flutter of an eyelash.
Rant #72: If you're going to take the time to write a story, and not a short one, in a language which is not your native tongue, why the fuck wouldn't you get a native speaker to beta? I got about 4 paragraphs in, and I liked where she was going, but just couldn't get past the crappy, crappy English.