I like Steve/Tony, Tony/Pepper, Clint/Coulson, Tony/Bruce, and the occasionally Steve/Tony/Bruce (mostly because the portmanteau seems to be Stark Spangled Banner).
'Harm's Way'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
It's a plethora of pleasure.
I just want to find some Tony/Natasha fic that isn't about her manipulating him or the team. I did a search of AO3, and it was all weird. I think the two of them could have some great comfort sex.
Connie, have you tried the avengers kink meme: [link]
If you're looking for a generic Steve/Tony community, there's: [link]
I'm combing through kink meme now. I love a new fandom's worth of fic.
Just want to pimp a new story for the Reverse Big Bang on cap_ironman, a '30s era au with Tony as a bootlegger in Chicago and Steve as the honest homicide cop from New York who got transferred under mysterious circumstances. A body is found in the snow, it looks like a rumrunner was killed, and clues point to the boss of the North Side speakeasies, Tony Stark . . .
by copperbadge, if you needed any other incentive. The accompanying pictures are delicious.
Because there now is a LetsdrawSPN I learnt of the LetsdrawSherlock project, and I think I'm going to pack up my toys and go home after this [link] because it is PERFECT.
(Just kidding--I have my concept for the SPN one--booyah!)
How popular is the 221B fic format in the fandom? I can't believe they had to think one up for SPN.
Been working my way through AvengerKink. And boy, when they say kink . . . I'm very, very grateful for the clear tags and summaries of what people are looking for. I don't want my fic to be that educational, kthxbye.
LTLJ, who wrote the Retrograde stories in SGA/SG-1, has written an Avengers story: [link]
Whoot! It is likely to be quite good. Thanks, Conseuela!
Yesterday I ran across a Teen Wolf/Hannah Montana fusion. I don't know whether to bust out laughing or be horrified.
Not a fic, but a vid rec, and I thought it was quite unusual and striking and lovely. It's Tony/Steve, or possibly just Tony+Steve, set to Grizzly Bear and Feist's "Service Bell". All comic book images: [link]