Hilariously given our conversation above, I just ran across a Teen Wolf/Aliens fusion that substantially lifts dialog and didn't bother me. But it's mostly a retelling of the plot of the latter with the show's characters mapped onto the originals.
The last part of Words May Fail (The Body Remains) is up! I haven't read it yet, I'm re-reading Hollow Your Bones and don't want to mix them. But I re-read Words May Fail just a few days ago and was bemoaning the WIP. Yay, fic!
For Connie who asked for Stark Trek in the movie thread: [link]
Tonight (I’m Fucking You) by canistakahari. Totally NC-17(01) PWP. Tony meets a hot, intriguing stranger at a fundraiser. Obviously he takes him home. Tony Stark/Leonard McCoy. Hot and hilarious.
BTW, I was happily skipping through the Clint/Coulson prompt community over on LJ and was wondering if there was one for Steve/Tony. My search-fu failed me, and I was hoping someone might know of such a thing.
I love this fandom, multiple pairings to obsess over.
I do
get FrostIron, but I think that's my hobby now, not getting ships.
I don't see FrostIron, either. I'm happy with Steve/Tony and Clint/Coulson.
Fanfic tags I do not want to see: i had twilight in mind when I started this
I like Steve/Tony, Tony/Pepper, Clint/Coulson, Tony/Bruce, and the occasionally Steve/Tony/Bruce (mostly because the portmanteau seems to be Stark Spangled Banner).
It's a plethora of pleasure.
I just want to find some Tony/Natasha fic that isn't about her manipulating him or the team. I did a search of AO3, and it was all weird. I think the two of them could have some great comfort sex.