I'd only use the exact quote if I was doing that exact scene, and I figure I'd have gotten to that scene by a completely different route, so different words would be more likely.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I can think of one or two Mentalist fanfic writers who make an art form of weaving show dialogue together with poetic descriptions of internal landscapes to give beautiful insight. I can't do it. And bunches of people try and fail miserably.
I've used quotes before, just as a jumping-off place.(I sometimes do have to explain a bit more to make a crossover work, or to write about someone's thoughts about something they heard in canon.) But I would agree, not more than a sentence or two.
I really like D/C AU stories that metaphorically follow the canon events that mark their relationship. But making the literal statements apply metaphorically often ranges from heavy-handed to cutesy. Saying that this new guy got you out of a hellish situation is one thing--gripping and perdition? Srsly?
Agreed. Sometimes it's like having a pet bird that's been trained to sqwawk "profound bond!"
Christ yes. See also: excuses to call always-human Castiel an angel of any kind (including hookers called Angels--that was just a hamfisted list of ways that writer watched and loved an entirely different show from me--I actually skimmed every fourth chapter or so too keep track of how off track we were).
Hilariously given our conversation above, I just ran across a Teen Wolf/Aliens fusion that substantially lifts dialog and didn't bother me. But it's mostly a retelling of the plot of the latter with the show's characters mapped onto the originals.
The last part of Words May Fail (The Body Remains) is up! I haven't read it yet, I'm re-reading Hollow Your Bones and don't want to mix them. But I re-read Words May Fail just a few days ago and was bemoaning the WIP. Yay, fic!
For Connie who asked for Stark Trek in the movie thread: [link]
Tonight (I’m Fucking You) by canistakahari. Totally NC-17(01) PWP. Tony meets a hot, intriguing stranger at a fundraiser. Obviously he takes him home. Tony Stark/Leonard McCoy. Hot and hilarious.