Any idea when tomorrow the YT author reveal goes live? (Why yes, I'm eager to post my year-in-fic summary.)
I ended up picking up a pinch hit this year the day before the posting deadline. I'm very happy with how the story turned out, and the recipient genuinely seemed to like it.
I think it's the same time as the story reveal, right? Which would be 9AM board time.
Eee, Snacky wrote Mary Poppins!
So, those of you who did yuletide for the first time this year, how did you like it?
I loved it. I'll definitely do it again. And there are so many cool prompts left, in the New Year's Resolution list! (Abelard and Heloise!)
I have a long list of Yuletide fic I love (including Anne's!), but I still think this one take the cake: Texts From Cephalopods, by volta_arovet.
I was correcting someone's conflation of fic terms (slash==porn), and they also mentioned "aren't most writers 16-20?" So I got all handwavey no, but wondered--what are the numbers? Surely there have been a few surveys in the past few years that would give more representative ages?
I found this: [link] but I don't know much about the sources for the study (and I side-eye language like "Contrary to expectations, it is the older and more experienced authors who do have a betareader" anyway), but it did put the age at 26. Also, it's obviously dated and its fandom numbers not so relevant right now.
The problem is that fanfic is community-based. I wouldn't be surprised if the average age at FFN skews younger than it does on AO3, for instance, but even that is going to vary by fandom.
So a survey, no matter how well-designed, gives you only a snapshot of a particular subset, or multiple subsets, and pretty much cannot be scaled to represent the whole of fic-writing fandom, because there's so much variation between the communities.