Thanks, Dana.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I have a RIDICULOUS number of tabs open, to like twenty different Yuletide fandoms.
Dragons in Prohibition Chicago! Sports Night on Quidditch! Muppets at New Burbage! Scheming lawyers! Bronte Sisters! Jirel of Joiry! (Seriously: someone wrote Jirel of Joiry fic!)
I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. My boss is out: possibly nobody would notice...
Jirel of Joiry! (Seriously: someone wrote Jirel of Joiry fic!)
Ooooo! Can you please link?
I need to read more Yuletide.
Clearly. I have some open to read! I've read a lot of Community, all the Cabin Pressure, most of the TTSS, but haven't even TOUCHED a lot of other stuff.
I'm pretty happy with the reception my Yuletide story got this year, considering I think it's the most obscure fandom I've written in.
The Lord of Joiry: [link]
There's also a novel-length (47K, okay a short novel) Ivan/Byerly adventure of awesome plottiness and worldbuilding.
There is also a story set in The Left Hand of Darkness, about a person who does not change sexes during their life: [link]
Beautifully written story.
... and I think I've spotted Betsy. heh.
I have really been expecting someone to spot at least one of my stories, but not yet! I thought I was more obvious than that.
I am generally no good at all at identifying most of my friends' writing, unless it's really unique like RthStewart, or one or two of my old pals from XF. But something about one of the Wimsey stories made me think of Betsy. I guess I'll find out if I was right on Sunday...
Amazingly good. One quible/question? If "perverts" were known on this world, why was such a convenient label never used to marginalize the ambassador? Of course the meta reason is that Le Guin did not include "perverts", but I wonder how the author of this fic would rationalize this? Might make an interesting coda...