But Amy does get mentioned positively from time to time, and I sure did start up a cheerleading section for her.
Aw, thank you! But never ever tell me about the negative stuff. I never go into those things, so I'll never know, and I like it that way.
Some very cool things have come out of the SPN anon meme. The reversebang, for one. Also, the spnartsupport community--I was bitching that there was nowhere for middle of the road artists to go (because the good SPN artists are fucking brilliant, and I don't want to be shown up). Cut to a few months later, I'm co-modding a decently thriving community.
Oh god, someone found my long abandoned (but not forever abandoned) SPN D/C AU WIP.
Then recc'd it.
I'm about to piss off a lot of (two) people in about ten thousand words.
Oh god.
I had a long debate on my lj some time ago about the anonymeme thing, and while I still think that it's abused as a cover for grudgewanking (because some of that shit is flat-out wrong), apparently there are people who feel (rightly or wrongly) that they can't talk in public without being anonymous. They're crippled by social anxiety, or they're just too scared of being asked to support their assertions.
Or just find the atmosphere for discussion in fandom too toxic to want to deal with outside of an anon space where the crazy people can't follow you home.
All the interesting social justice discussion is taking place anon these days, and it gets heated at times, but rarely outright wanky, despite the reputation the ffa has. It's a moderated anon space. It has rules and regulations. You'll actually see differences of opinion instead of people keeping their mouths shut because they don't want to deal with someone deciding that they're on the wrong side of truth and justice or something else.
She's a fantastic writer (one I full expect to see listed at Amazon at some point), and she dropped out of online fandom several years ago, so I don't know why these folks have their knives out for her, other than possibly boredom.
Same reason people still mutter about the Welsh when discussing other high-profile abrasive personalities, honestly. Or why TV Tropes pisses a bunch of us off, not that faking your death on a forum is the same thing, but people who've caused serious raised hackles over an extended period of time or in a serious enough manner are seldom forgotten.
I mean, I didn't actively dislike her, and occasionally appreciated her attempts to discuss, but did find her disingenuous enough on some issues that thinking of her causes a mild blood pressure spike, so imagine what it's like for someone who couldn't stand her.
And for what it's worth, at ffa, people are asked to support their assertions all the time. I just lurk there, to keep an eye on the pulse of fandom now that metafandom is effectively off the radar, but I've been impressed with the quality of discussion.
OMG, it's Thursday and tomorrow is the submission deadline for the SPN early bird reversebang. I have to finish the eyes and move a pinkie. I'm so nervous.
so imagine what it's like for someone who couldn't stand her.
Fine, but they're not exactly on the moral high ground there. There's a whole suite of false statements in that thread, and nobody challenged them or corrected them. And if I know that about the thread I'm mentioned in, I'm damn sure it's true of many other bashing threads.
Plus, I gotta say I'm steamed at the whole "I don't like X because she's friends with Y". That's just ridiculous. I don't mind people thinking I'm insufferable, but I've been through the whole "lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas" bullshit before, and it's toxic and stupid and juvenile.
Is this in ffa or the spn one?
I'll check it out and perhaps anon-fact-correct, then. As one occasionally is forced to do. (I think I've posted there... twice? Both times correcting things.)