I have a list of things that people shouldn't do in SPN fic, but no one listens. You mean I could just bully them out of it? Man, I didn't know it was that easy.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
That's a teenager with a dangerously inflated sense of her own importance. Ick.
That's a teenager with a dangerously inflated sense of her own importance. Ick.
I just hope she is a teenager. The last time I encountered someone operating with that much malice and conviction, it was a woman in her 40s. If this one's a teenager, at least there's a hope she could grow some compassion.
I just can't imagine doing that. I can't imagine having the arrogance to think I should do it in public, either.
ita, do you mind if I post that link to my Star Trek f-list?
I'd love it, Sail.
Awesome! Posted and I said to spread the word.
So I asked my flist for Harry Potter recs, since I just finished the series & saw the last movie.
... what I have learned is that Harry/Draco does nothing for me. Bah.
I liked Resonant's Transfigurations, but despite the romance, not because of it.
Did everyone see Tom Felton on Conan? He's a very good sport about [on my small screen can't tell if they are manips or photorealistic paintings] the art that Conan shows him.
that was hysterical, Laga. I think the first is a manip and the second a painting.